Page 63 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 63

                                                                                          STANDARDS & REGULATIONSONS

                       The approval of Halal certified food to
                  3Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology or
                  ESMA, is the institute that working with Halal product that would
                  import to UAE which is control the imported Halal food that
                  must be certified from other institution that ESMA qualified
                  under the standard number UAE.S 2055-2 which about the
                  general  requirement  of  Halal  food. The  food  exporter  or
                  manufacturer can check the institution that qualified by ESMA
                  in the website. For Thailand there’s one and only qualified
                  institute,  it  was The  Central  Islamic  Council  of Thailand
                  (CICOT). For the product that CICOT can certified the Halal
                  Certification was in these 4 categories which included the
                  perishable  animal  products,  the  perishable  vegetables
                  products, products with long shelf life at room temperature,
                  chemical and biochemical manufacturing.
                                                                    The food product export from Thailand to UAE has a slightly difficult but the
                       The  requirements  for  Halal  certified  system is available to submit the documents online beforehand which can help
                       products                                  the agricultural who want to import their products able to learn step by steps to
                  4In  the  prior  step,  food  products  which  included  or   get these good opportunities from the high demand country as UAE.
                  contains animal meat as ingredients and need to export to UAE
                  must be certified ‘Halal’ from the institute that ESMA’s qualified
                  before. Moreover, that food products must follow the General   More Information      Service Info C012
                  Requirement for Halal Food code GSO 2055-1 and Animal
                  Slaughtering Requirement According to Islamic Rules code   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                  GSO 993. For more information, please read in the manual   สำำ�นัักง�นัม�ตรฐ�นัสำินัค้้�เกษตรและอ�ห�รแห่งช�ติ. 2564. กฎหม�ยด้้�นัก�รค้วบคุ้มค้ว�มปลอด้ภััย
                  about the control of food importer to Gulf Cooperation Council     อ�ห�รนัำ�เข้้�ข้องประเทศค้่่ค้้�และก�รค้วบคุ้มคุ้ณภั�พสำินัค้้�เกษตรไทยก่อนัก�รสำ่งออก.

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