Page 66 - FoodFocusThailand No.196 July 2022
P. 66


              The term “sustainability” is now highlighted in every
              corner, not just in the production area but along the
              supply chain. Everyone knows plastic is the opposite of
              sustainability or eco-friendly, but we can’t argue that there
              are no replacement materials with low cost and have
              the same durability as plastic, especially for secondary
              packaging, which is targeted on logistics and carried
              away, even in the end-line processes like case packing or
              crate-making for bottles, in which plastic and cardboard
              are the only solutions.

                  The Innovative Secondary Packaging

                  Which Concerned over First Priority

                 The most popular method is using a shrink pad, a heat-  But that’s not all: the bottles being used are made from rPET, and the entire
              formed plastic sheet that is placed and shrunk to keep the   pack can be 100 percent recycled. Thanks to efficient logistics, moreover, ten
              product packages together for easy handling. For this reason,   percent more containers can be fitted onto the pallet, which correspondingly
              a shrink pad will always be thrown out like trash when it has   reduces the CO  consumption for transporting them.
              done  its  job.  In  addition,  people  neglect  and  elide  this
              secondary packaging problem until we realize that every plastic  The Variety of Innovation
              in any process matters.                         Whereas the term of ‘the pack strapping technology ’originally denoted only
                 Back in 2011, the famous beverage packaging specialist    the strapping for non-returnable packs, the famous beverage packaging
              at the plant in Rosenheim resolved to save material on the   specialist  has meanwhile expanded the concept for all those who want to do
              secondary packaging. The result was the efficient beverage   without plastics entirely for their secondary packaging. For another innovative
              packing  system , which produces the pack  strapping   example, the plastic rings for can packs rank among the packages that are
              technology  for a non-returnable package that is merely   coming under intensified scrutiny, especially in regions near the coast, because
              strapped  by  two  strips  of plastic. This  form of  secondary   if they are  not properly disposed of and end up in the sea, this entails not least
              packaging signifies a true innovation since the shrink-film   a hazard for the animals living there. The beverage cardboard clip holder  here
              hitherto customary could be dispensed with.     constitutes an eco-friendly, sustainable alternative. It is a cardboard package
                 Today, the then-visionary solution is more relevant than   containing neither plastics nor adhesives,  which is produced from renewable
              ever: rising levels of eco-awareness and the concomitant   raw materials and can be easily recycled after use. It is fitted underneath the
              political and social debates on sustainability and resource   can seam, thus keeping the pack stable. This attractive solution not only for
              consumption mean that producers of consumer goods are   the environment, but for consumers as well because the pac  features recessed
              also embracing this issue. The Lithuanian water producer    grips with which it can be conveniently grasped and carried. If you want to
              has responded to the latest developments by scrutinising its   remove a can, you simply pull it vertically out of the packaging – it’s not necessary
              use of plastics in the value-added chain. The contract bottler   to tear open the cardboard.
              has set itself to create the country’s lightest water package   To ensure an eye-catching presence on the supermarket shelves, moreover,
              – and in terms of secondary packaging, has opted for the pack                    the pack offers space for design options. With the associated machine
              strapping technology  concept from the famous beverage   technology, for instance, it’s possible to selectively orientate the cans e.g., in
              packaging specialist .                          order to ensure prominent placement of the brand logo or to form a coherent
                                                              motif from several different can designs. For the sustainable packaging concept,
              Background of “The Best Secondary               the famous beverage packaging specialist  is of course, also offering the
              Packaging”                                      associated machine technology. This latter is the packaging machine company
              Although the first packs with the innovative strapping were   which  as  a  multi-talented  allrounder  among  packaging  machines  copes
              only market-launched in early 2020, The Lithuanian water   effortlessly with this type of pack as well.
              producer  had already harvested a prize for it at the end of   As you can see, the secondary packaging also matters to nature and wildlife
              last year: in Dubai, it won the Global Water Award in the “Best   as the primary packaging does. It also shows us that sustainability and eco-
              Technology Innovation” category. The pack marketed by The   friendliness are the leading global issues all manufacturers should concentrate
              Lithuanian water producer  under the specific name  requires   on. Nevertheless, the way to   impress the customer with by its usage is the
              90 percent less plastic than a comparable shrink-pack. During   basis of packaging that should develop correlatively.
              production, moreover, energy savings of 40 percent can be
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             66  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUL   2022

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