Page 69 - FoodFocusThailand No.198 September 2022
P. 69


                    Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Detection                                     velocity requirement, so false DO level alarms
                    To  a  great  extent,  beer  quality  is  associated  with  the                  are eliminated. Fluorescence quenching
                    quantity of dissolved oxygen (DO) it contains. Oxygen reacts        technology determines oxygen in liquids very
                    with proteins and polyphenols in the beer which leads to            quickly; therefore, the response time of the
                    non-biological instability resulting in reduced shelf life and      sensor is extremely fast. Additionally, the
                    adversely affected flavor. Consequently, controlling DO levels      unique optical DO sensor detects DO levels
                    during  beer  production  is  always  a  quality  target  that            down to 2 ppb. Combined, this means a sensor
                    Tsingtao  focuses  on.  During  production,  a  significant         is an excellent tool for reducing out-of-spec
                    proportion of dissolved oxygen comes from the filtering             production.
                    process. Therefore, before the product enters bright beer
                    tanks, inline detection of DO prevents out-of-spec beer from        More Sturdy and Less Maintenance
                    reaching the filling line.                                          Tsingtao Brewery also appreciates this unique
                       Since 2003, the brewery has employed the renowned                optical DO sensor’s  reduced maintenance
                    inspection equipment company . in-line DO measurement               benefits. Firstly, sensor drift is very low, so
                    equipment for fermentation tanks and filters as well as on          calibration is required less frequently than for
                    other brewery processes. As production at the brewery has           amperometric probes. Secondly, whereas
                    increased,  CIP  cycles  have  become  a  significant  daily        maintenance on amperometric sensors
                    operation. The probes must be withdrawn from the process            involves changing membrane and electrolyte,
                    pipes during CIP and reinserted to prevent damage to DO             with the unique optical DO sensor  the only part
                    sensor membranes from chemicals and high temperatures.              that requires periodic replacement is the
                    All of which are time consuming for operators.                      individual  oxygen  sensing  element.  The
                                                                                        exchange is simple and can be completed in
                    Faster with Optical Technology                                      under a minute.
                    The renowned inspection equipment company  suggested a                 The probe features with the Intelligent
                    switch from an amperometric measurement system to one               Sensor Management (ISM) technology from
                    based  on  optical  technology.  The  special  optical  DO                 the renowned inspection equipment company .
                    sensor exploits the phenomenon of fluorescence quenching            ISM brings additional maintenance benefits
                    to  determine  trace  oxygen  levels.  No  membrane  is                that help sustain Tsingtao’s round-the-clock
                    involved, and the sensor is largely unaffected by CIP               production. Advanced  sensor  diagnostics
                    processes.                                                          tools displayed on the connected transmitter
                       But resistance to CIP is not the only benefit of this unique     provide real-time data on the probe’s condition.
                    optical DO sensor . Amperometric sensors are liable to              The  remaining  lifetime  of  the  individual
                    incorrectly report high DO levels if flow velocity is too low.      oxygen sensing element  and when calibration
                    The  unique  optical  DO  sensor   has  a  negligible  flow               will next be required, as shown by the Dynamic
                                                                                        Lifetime Indicator and Adaptive Calibration
                                                                                        Timer,  mean  that  maintenance  planning  is
                                                                          easy and the risk of sensor failure during production is significantly

                                                                          Fully Productivity
                                                                          According to Du Shuhai, an engineer at the brewery, “On the
                                                                          basis of production exceeding 430 million liters in 2009, the
                                                                          successful application of the unique optical DO sensor meant
                                                                          that  the  dissolved  oxygen  index  of  all  filtered  beer  was
                                                                          maintained below 50 ppb, and both beer quality and output
                                                                          were improved.”

                                                                                  More Information        Service Info C010

                                                                        ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                                                                        1    Mettler-Toledo from the USA
                                                                        2    InPro 6970i, the unique optical dissolved oxygen sensor from Mettler-Toledo, USA
                                                                        3    OptoCap, the technology for sensing oxygen for InPro 6790i
                                                                          InPro 6970i dissolved oxygen sensor
                                                                          InPro 6970i dissolved oxygen sensor

                                                                                                  SEP  2022 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  69

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