Page 65 - FoodFocusThailand No.198 September 2022
P. 65


                     The IST included 3 technologies:                   Applications of Intelligent Sensory Techniques for
                     1. Electronics Nose (E-nose) The E-nose is composed of an     Alcoholic Beverages
                  array of electronic chemical sensors with appropriate pattern-recognition   The use of IST technology to study the flavor composition of alcoholic
                  systems, which can identify individual volatile or complex chemical   beverages, especially the changes during production process and
                  mixtures that constitute aromas, odors, fragrances, formulations, spills,   storage, is always a research hotspot in the alcohol industry. Each
                  and leaks. The working principle of the E-nose is to simulate the human   alcoholic  beverage  has  its  own  unique  flavor  characteristics.  IST
                  olfactory organ through the gas sensor array, then perceive and analyze   technology can analyze aroma profiles by registering signals produced
                  the odors, and transmit the collected signals information to the analysis   by the mixture of gases and then comparing the pattern of responses
                  software  for  classification  or  identification.  E-noses  have  been                       produced by different samples.
                  extensively  developed  in  recent  years  and  have  been  available                IST has been applied in quality assessments of alcoholic beverages
                  commercially and used in diverse industries.          in terms of variety and geographical origins, monitoring production
                                                                        processes, detection of frauds and adulterations, discrimination of years
                                                                        of aging, distinguishing brands and types, aroma analysis, and detection
                                                                        of spoilage and off-flavors.
                                                                        Fraud and Adulteration Detection
                                                                        Alcohol adulteration is commonly occurring by a mixture of methanol
                                                                        and ethanol with other alcohols of the same color, which has damaged
                                                                        the reputation of the alcohol market and the benefit of consumers. To
                                                                        avoid  adulteration  and  market  cheating,  a  rapid,  reliable,  and
                                                                        accurate detection technology for authentication of alcoholic beverages
                                                                        is essentially required to prevent illegal adulteration.  In recent years,
                                                                        electroanalytical techniques have been widely used in frauds and
                                                                        adulterations of alcoholic beverages. The electroanalytical system
                                                                        equipped  with  various  sensors  and  coupled  with  multiple  pattern
                                                                        recognition methods, such as E-nose and E-tongues, has been widely
                                                                        applied in alcohol beverage authentication. To summarize, this system
                     2. Electronics tongue (E-tongue)  The E-tongue is a multi-sensor   will use ‘the fingerprint data’ to compare with the real or fake sample.
                  system based on an array of sensors/biosensors designs combined
                  with multivariate statistical data analysis, which is widely used as a   Discrimination the Year of Ageing
                  rapid and reproducible quantitative and qualitative measurement. The   The economic value of a majority of alcoholic beverages is highly
                  E-tongue imitates the human taste system, which is mainly composed   associated with the years of aging. During the aging process, a series
                  of three parts: 1) sample preprocessor, which is equivalent to the taste   of  complex  physicochemical  reactions  occur,  such  as  oxidation,
                  receptor of taste cells in the oral cavity, to convert the features of liquid   esterification, and hydrolysis, which increase the abundance and variety
                  sample into electronic signals; 2) sensors/biosensors array, which is   of volatiles in alcoholic drinks. Therefore, the year of aging decides the
                  equivalent to the neural sensory system in the brain, which sensitively   quality and flavor of alcoholic beverages. Some dishonest producers
                  captures the signals sent by the preprocessor and transmits it to the   counterfeit their younger products as several years aged liquors to get
                  data processing system; 3) data processing and pattern recognition   a higher selling price. Thus, the discrimination of the age of alcohol is
                  system. The E-tongue is equivalent to the central nervous system in   essential to protect the benefit of consumers as well as the reputation
                  the brain, which uses multivariate pattern analysis models for the           of the producers. E-nose, E-tongue, and a combination of them were
                  interpretation of screening data, including principal component analysis   used to discriminate and classify wines according to the vintage year,
                  (PCA) and other analysis regression.                  recognize the method of aging, and monitor the aging process.
                                                                        Detection of Spoilage and Off-flavors
                                                                        The presence of unexpected off-flavors formed during fermentation or
                                                                        storage is a great concern for alcoholic beverages, which largely impact
                                                                        the  quality  and  consumer  acceptance  of  the  products. The  early
                                                                        detection of these off-flavors is crucial to undertaking remedial actions
                                                                        that can correct the fault. The E-nose is usually employed as a real-time
                                                                        detection tool for quality control of alcoholic beverages. Beers and wines
                                                                        were doped with off-flavor compounds such as acetic acid or sulfur
                                                                        compounds; before that, the E-nose was used to analyze a variety of
                                                                        samples to keep the data in a recognition system to evaluate the
                                                                        components of the sample alcoholic beverages in a second. The off-
                                                                        flavors can also be detected by E-tongues which have been used to
                                                                        monitor the levels of acetic acid in various wines and beers. The E-tongue
                                                                        system has been developed to distinguish samples based on permitted
                     3. Electronics Eye (E-Eye) The E-eye uses image sensors coupled   levels of fault compound content.
                  with computer simulation criteria to discriminate or identify the sample   These are some of the possibilities to apply intelligent sensory
                  color, shape, size, and other specifications. The measurement is         technology  to  the  quality  checking  of  alcoholic  beverages,  which
                  performed with the use of software that creates color spectra with the   overcome the current methods. However, IST still needs improvement,
                  indication of the size of their presence in the tested sample. E-eyes   especially the development of high sensitivity and selectivity of the
                  allow complex sensory information to be processed. Combined with   sensor arrays aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of the
                  machine learning techniques, E-eyes develop models that learn from   analysis.
                  a  training  data  set  and  can  fit  complex  functions  between  input
                  and  output  data,  which  may  generate  actionable  information  for
                  manufacturers.  E-eyes  have  been  used  in  the  food  industry  for              More Information  Service Info C009
                  characterizing the components that contribute to sensory properties:
                  from ripening to harvest, from raw material to processed food products.
                                                                                                  SEP  2022 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  65

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