Page 92 - FoodFocusThailand No.204 March 2023
P. 92
Stability Control Systems / Operator-Assist Hydrogen Fuel Cell As an Advanced
Systems Forklift stability control systems are safety Power Source Advanced power sources refer to
1 systems installed in forklifts to improve stability and 4 innovative and cutting-edge technologies for
reduce the risk of tipping over during operations. These generating, storing, and using energy in a more efficient and
systems use sensors and algorithms to monitor the load and environmentally friendly manner. For decades, many food
orientation of the forklift and can intervene to maintain stability warehouses have depended heavily on lift trucks powered
by adjusting the lift's speed and direction. Operator-assist by lead-acid batteries or liquified petroleum gas (LPG), which
systems, on the other hand, help the operator with tasks like can expose food to potentially hazardous acid, fumes, or
load handling and maneuvering. These systems can provide spills. Hydrogen is the next step forward in forklift fuel
warnings, guidance and even perform actions automatically technology. The fuel cell generates electricity through a
to assist the operator in carrying out their duties safely and chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to power
efficiently by monitoring and responding to real-time data as the forklift's electric motor, producing only water and heat as
well as the operating environment, such as proximity to byproducts. Compared to traditional forklifts, this results in
pedestrians or obstacles and location-specific rules. zero emissions and improved energy efficiency. Besides
reducing environmental footprints and helping operations
Automation or Robotic Technology Robotic mitigate contamination risks, hydrogen fuel cell forklifts can
technology or automation can be applied to forklifts to also be quickly refueled, have long run times, and are suitable
2 create automated or semi-automated warehouse for indoor and outdoor operations.
material handling systems. According to,
it can reduce food warehouse operating costs by up to 70% 5G Technology for Distance Control 5G
by carrying out a variety of repetitive tasks, such as technology provides increased bandwidth and low
transporting finished goods to storage or shipping areas and 5 latency, enabling forklifts, operators, and the central
lowering the risk of accidents by adhering to pre-programmed management system to communicate in real-time. Its
site-specific traffic rules. remote monitoring and maintenance capabilities also
And now, forklift automation is entering a new era with enable better decisions, improve productivity, reduce
automated guided vehicles (AGV), automated lift trucks downtime, and lower the risk of accidents. For example, one
(ALT), and autonomous mobile robots (AMR). AGV forklifts warehouse in Saraburi is currently conducting a remote forklift
navigate using cameras, lasers, and floor markings. Pallet operation over the 5G network, while the driver is 110
racking, gravity racking, mobile racking, drive-in racking, and kilometers away in Bangkok. So far, they can efficiently
block stacking are some of the tasks they can accomplish operate the forklift in real time and move pallets from point
without the assistance of a human.On the other hand, the A to point B.
ALTs learn routes and tasks from an operator who drives the Overall, modern forklift technologies can give a food
machine in "learning" mode first, so later, they can operate warehouse significant advantages, allowing it to operate
themselves in automatic mode. However, the AMR forklifts more efficiently, safely, and competitively. These technologies
are the most advanced of these three. They do not require are most effective, however, for repetitive and predictable
an operator or guide markings but instead use artificial tasks, such as moving goods from one location to another
intelligence (AI) to learn about their surroundings and adjust or handling specific functions in a production line. While some
themselves accordingly. forms of artificial intelligence and machine learning can now
help with decision-making, they are still limited in comparison
Telemetry Technology Telemetry in a forklift to human workers' complex and adaptive reasoning abilities.
refers to the use of technology to remotely collect and As a result, combining automation and human workers is
3 transmit precise, actionable data from the forklift to a the best approach. That way, each could complement the
central location for analysis and monitoring. This data other's strengths.
includes the forklift's performance, usage, maintenance
status, and other relevant parameters that can help
operations prioritize safety and productivity. Telemetry, for
example, can provide supervisors with impact detection, More Information Service Info C016
alerts, and other data and be used to track operator training
updates, empowering managers to constantly audit
performance. However, even though telemetry can provide
valuable information and feedback to support operator เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
training and development, it cannot replace the knowledge,
skills, and judgment that a trained operator brings to the job. article/22552306/yale-materials-handling-corp-top-5-lift-truck-
As a result, a well-trained operator is still required, regardless technologies-in-2023
of this technology.
20/2/2566 BE 19:09
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