Page 53 - FoodFocusThailand No.207 JUNE 2023
P. 53
for usage within facilities. The If the Thai food and beverage industry does not adapt itself to the BCG
remaining gases are used to model today, the undesirable consequences may not only befall the brand image
produce steam, which can be and the environment, but further negative effects may ensue. For example, trade
useful in starch-baking process. As protection policies may be imposed by overseas economies, or additional rules
a result, these initiatives have on imports and higher tariff barriers may be established, and these issues may
helped eliminate the need to compromise Thailand’s competitiveness. However, if our manufacturing processes
purchase external energy from are adjusted and become more environmentally friendly and capable of evaluating
carbon footprint, the Thai food and beverage industry will enjoy more opportunities
suppliers and are considered one and enhanced competitiveness in the global markets.
of the solutions towards zero
So far, Banpong Tapioca has More Information Service Info C005
cut down its electricity bill by up to
50-60 percent and has made extra
revenues of more than one million
baht from carbon credit sales,
which are an offshoot project made
possible by the biogas system.
After receiving consultation and
advice about operation procedures,
measuring equipment, and
adjustment of processes to
accommodate established
regulations from carbon credit
brokers, the company then made
corresponding adjustments in its
production, such as the acquisition
of standard measuring equipment
and delivery of correct and reliable
data. As a result, it successfully
passed an assessment conducted
by TUV NORD (Thailand) Co.,
Ltd., and once the annual amount
of carbon reduction is calculated,
the acquired carbon credit will be
recorded and will be put on sale to
other organizations. This is a way
to promote circular energy,
encourage food entrepreneurs to
become more conscious of the
efforts to fight global warming, and
improve company’s image. Mr. Kitti
Suksmith added, “Even though
the revenues generated by
carbon credit sales may not be
substantial, what we have
actually achieved is that it is
now more convenient to trace
and create carbon footprint,
which can be used to make
“Global Warming Reduction
Label” to be displayed on
product packages to increase
the confidence of overseas
trade partners.”
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