Page 63 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
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                                                                       prevent hazards in frozen and chilled foods. For instance, the
                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References                        guidelines for food risk management should be established to
                     •  “The changing consumer behavior: frozen and canned food,   identify the parameters for the growth, survival, and inhibition of
                     including cakes and biscuits in various categories, rose the   microbial pathogens, such as temperature, pH, water activity,
                     fastest” (Food Navigator, February 5, 2021)       and time, all of which can be used to better control food hazards.
                     •  “The Impacts of the Coronavirus on Food Access and Secu-  At the same time, blockchain technology should also be used to
                     rity” (  optimize the efficiency of transparent measures for hazard control
                     pacts-of-coronavirus-on-food-access-and-security/)  and obtainment of correct data, which can help trace the entire
                     •  “COVID-19 Pandemic Impacting on Food and Agriculture: A   procedure from upstream to downstream. In so doing, root cause
                     Review”  (  analysis will be made possible, and suitable solutions, ranging
                     PMC7471439/)                                      from raw materials to consumer’s cooking processes, can be
                     •  “COVID-19 Pandemic and Frozen Food Supply Chains”
                     (       achieved. Hence, food risk assessment is considered a scientific
                     •  “Frozen Food Sales Soar in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pan-  procedure that requires the knowledge and understanding of
                     demic” (  standardized food analysis to guarantee correct data extraction
                     Frozen-food-sales-soar-in-the-wake-of-the-COVID-19-pandem-  for risk assessment in food processing. Furthermore, relevant
                     ic)                                               technological innovations are needed as well to classify food
                     •  Rijal, S., Karki, K., & Kumar, S. (2020). The COVID-19 pan-  production problems and solutions for a manufacturing facility.
                     demic and food safety: A rapid review of the evidence for food   The knowledge of mathematical model is also necessary as it
                     safety practices and hygiene behaviors. Current Nutrition Re-  helps predict the equations needed for the control of parameters
                     ports, 9(3), 166-173.  and other major factors, thus leading to efficient minimization
                     6                                                 and elimination of food hazards.
                     •  Bhunia, A. K., Deering, A. D., & Sebranek, J. G. (2020). Food
                     industry and COVID-19: Impact and mitigation strategies. Food
                     Quality and Safety, 4(4), 227-233.
                     fyaa033                                                     More Information        Service Info C011
                     •  Tong, Z., Li, L., & Li, Y. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on
                     food supply chain and opportunities for sustainable agriculture
                     in Central Asia. Sustainability, 13(3), 1001. https://doi.
                     •  “Guidance on Conducting Food Safety Assessment” by the
                     Codex Alimentarius Commission (
                     •  “Risk Assessment in the Food Industry” by the European Food
                     Safety Authority (
                     •  “Food Safety Risk Assessment: The Role of Regulations and
                     Standards” by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
                     United Nations (
                     •  “Food Safety Risk Assessment: An Overview and Framework
                     for Implementation” by the World Health Organization (https://
                     •  “Risk Assessment and Risk Management in the Food Indus-
                     try” by the International Food Information Council Foundation
                     •  Lee, H. L., & Cho, K. H. (2019). Risk assessment as a tool for
                     enhancing food safety management systems: current trends
                     and future directions. Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(1),
                     •   Kumar, S., & Singh, R. S. (2019). Blockchain: A new tool for
                     enhancing food safety management. Trends in Food Science
                     & Technology, 91, 78-84.
                     •  Nauta, M. J., & Havelaar, M. (2018). The use of risk assessment
                     in food safety management: current status and future trends.
                     Food Control, 86, 165-174.

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