Page 50 - FoodFocusThailand No.209 AUGUST 2023
P. 50


             The transferase enzyme, transglutaminase, possesses the   by accelerating protein cross-linking. Transglutaminase is
             remarkable capability to augment the size of the protein   frequently introduced from external sources to improve
             network, leading to the formation of a stronger protein gel.   product quality, often employing microbial-derived enzymes.
             Lipoxygenase, an oxidoreductase, is also used to strengthen   During  production,  minced  fish  is  incubated  at  low
             bread dough. However, the application of enzymes to enhance   temperatures to activate both the added transglutaminase
             food quality can vary significantly, for example:    and the enzymes naturally present in the fish meat, a process
                                                                  known as “Suwari”. The action of transglutaminase facilitates
             Use of enzymes in meat products                      the formation of a firm, resilient, and water-holding surimi
             In the meat industry, enzymes play a pivotal role in meat   gel, contributing to the overall quality of the end product.
             tenderization. Protease enzymes like papain and bromelain
             are added to achieve this effect. Papain, derived from papaya   Use of enzymes in baked products
             sap, is a cysteine protease capable of hydrolyzing myofibril   In the bread industry, incorporating enzymes from external
             proteins and connective tissues. However, due to its relatively   sources into the dough enhances its rheological properties,
             low specificity, the cautious use of papain is necessary to avoid   gas retention capacity, and breadcrumb softness. The
             over-tenderization, which can result in a mushy texture and   addition of enzymes can involve a single type or multiple
             can also cause a bitter taste from bitter peptides. Therefore,   types, which may work synergistically. Microbial α-amylase
             it should not be used with high-value meats. Bromelain is an   and malt find widespread usage in the baking industry. Their
             enzyme derived from pineapple, as it efficiently hydrolyzes   incorporation leads to elevated levels of reducing sugars and
             myofibril proteins and collagen. The application of bromelain   fermentable sugars. The presence of reducing sugars
             leads to a reduction in meat pH and a notable increase in   promotes the Maillard reaction, infusing the product with
             water-holding capacity. Similarly to papain, bromelain is   distinctive  color  and  flavor.  Moreover,  these  enzymes
             susceptible to causing over tenderization if not used cautiously.   increase the dough’s gas retention capacity and reduce its
             However, both papain and bromelain are commercially   viscosity during gelatinization, ultimately contributing to
             available in powder and liquid forms to tenderize meat in   greater volume and softness in the final bread product. The
             household settings, and they are commonly used, sometimes   amylase also slowed down the retrogradation of breadcrumbs
             in combination with other ingredients like salt, phosphates,   during storage. If used for this purpose, heat-resistant
             and flavoring agents.                                α-amylase from bacteria or fungi is often used.
                Within the surimi production industry, transglutaminase   Proteases  constitute another group of enzymes
             assumes a crucial role in enhancing the quality and functional   extensively utilized in the production of bread, crackers, and
             properties of products. Surimi is a minced fish that undergoes   waffles. The addition of proteases serves multiple purposes,
             a thorough process of washing and squeezing to eliminate   including reducing mixing time, decreasing dough viscosity,
             blood and fat, resulting in a white texture devoid of any fishy   maintaining dough consistency, controlling the product’s
             odor. This versatile ingredient can be transformed into various   texture, and contributing to enhanced flavor. For example,
             seafood products, including meatballs, grilled meatballs,   in the production of bread made from high-gluten flour, acid
             imitation crabs, crab sticks, and fish tofu, catering to the diverse   proteases from fungi are employed to hydrolyze gluten,
             demands of the market. Furthermore, transglutaminase has   partially facilitating easier dough kneading. Likewise, in the
             a unique ability to improve the functional properties of proteins   biscuit and cookie manufacturing industry, the addition of
                                                                  protease serves to diminish the elasticity of gluten,
                                                                  consequently lowering dough shrinkage following molding.
                                                                     Another intriguing enzyme in the bread industry is
                                                                  lipoxygenase. Initially employed to oxidize and bleach
                                                                  carotenoids in the dough, it was later discovered that
                                                                  lipoxygenase could significantly enhance dough quality by
                                                                  catalyzing the oxidation of gluten’s thiol groups, leading to
                                                                  the rearrangement of disulfide bonds. These disulfide bonds
                                                                  strengthen the robustness of the gluten network, thereby
                                                                  improving rheological properties and bolstering the dough
                                                                  structure, ultimately yielding a higher loaf volume. However,
                                                                  it’s worth noting that these enzymes can also impart an
                                                                  unpleasant flavor to the final product.

                                                                  Use of enzymes in dairy products
                                                                  Enzymes play an important role in the milk and dairy industry.
                                                                  One significant enzyme used historically is rennet (also
                                                                  known as rennin), a combination of pepsin and chymosin

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