Page 100 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
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               SuperValu is an American retail chain managed by                      Avonmore’s Super Milk, which
            Musgrave Group. It is the biggest food retailer and distributor       fortified  nutrients  such  as  vitamin  B,
            in Ireland, with 223 branches across the entire country. Currently,   vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid, and
            it has 20 percent of the market share and champions community-        calcium, targets consumers who do not
            based, high-quality products derived from natural sources. More       receive enough daily nutrients. One cup,
            than 75 percent of the products sold in SuperValu are produced        or 250 milliliters, offers 50 percent of
            in Ireland.                                                           calcium, 30 percent of vitamin B 12, 45
               LIDL,  managed by Schwarz Group, is a German                       percent of folic acid, and vitamin D, all
            supermarket chain first inaugurated in 2000. It focuses on            of which correspond to the reference
            affordable private-label products and has more than 180               intake (RI). The product is offered both
            branches. Its market share has risen to 13.7 percent at a growth      low-fat and fat-free for consumers’
            rate of 15.5 percent. The advancing inflation rate and price          preference.
            increases have obliged consumers to look for products with a             Pasteurized  milk  with  added
            justifiable price-quality ratio and value rather than focus only      protein  from  SuperValu  targets
            on the brand.
               These three supermarkets offer a wide range of dairy               consumers who need high protein, have
            products with different flavors and packaging sizes. Apart from       an active lifestyle, and love to exercise.
            the mainstream brands, they also encourage small local farms          Every 500 milliliters of milk contain 30
            to produce homemade products under their own brands and               grams of protein and only 1 percent of
            collaborate with these farms to produce private-label                 fat. It also contains calcium and vitamin
            commodities at both affordable and premium prices. Every              D, which helps promote bone, tooth, and
            supermarket features similar layout concept: fresh fruits and         muscle strength, while vitamin B 12 helps
            vegetables are displayed in the first zone to evoke the feeling       relieve tiredness and fatigue.
            of freshness and healthiness; instant foods, such as baked
            products, pizzas, and ready-to-eat foods, are positioned in the   Glenisk is a widely recognized brand known for its
            second zone so that the products’ aromas can boost consumer’s   specialization in organic dairy products. It uses raw milk from
            appetite; and dairy products are shelved in the farthest section   farms certified by the Irish Organic Association (IOA) and
            as they are main products Irish customers always want to buy,   has undergone periodic audits. It offers fresh cream cheese
            and  the layout help  increase the walking distance and   made from organic, fresh milk, and yogurt culture under the
            opportunities to present other products along the way. Some   Baby Fromage Frais brand, designed for children over 6
            interesting examples of dairy products from these supermarkets   years old. The product is made from fresh organic milk and
            are as follows:                                       yogurt culture and has a soft, creamy texture with no added
                               Lullaby Milk is a milk product from a   sugar. Apart from natural flavor, it also has strawberry, apricot,
                            long-standing dairy farm located in the   and mango flavors made from high-quality fruit puree.
                            northern part of Cork and has been in
                            operation  for  more  than  100  years.
                            Pure-bred cows are milked before dawn to
                            guarantee high-quality, creamy, and
                            delicious milk, which helps promote sleep
                            quality without relying on food additives. It
                            is suitable for consumers of all ages and
                            genders and is best consumed in the late
                            afternoon or early evening. This product
                            has won multiple awards and is one of the
                            consumers’ favorites.                    Pasteurized milk and yogurt made from goat milk
                               Fibre  Plus  Milk  from Avonmore               are ideal for consumers allergic to cow milk or nut products.
                            is enjoying rising popularity as consumers   Goat milk products are tasty and rich in protein, but they do
                            are now paying more attention to their   not contain lactose or sugar. Goat milk has similar amounts
                            digestive system and intestinal health.   of nutrients as cow milk, although its vitamin B12 and folic
                            According to a survey on the Irish adult         acid levels are lower. An advantage of goat milk
                            population,  around  80  percent*  of            is that it has more easily digestible protein and
                            consumers fail to consume sufficient fiber,      fat, which can promote the intestines’ absorption
                            whose recommended daily intake is                and the digestive systems. Irish consumers
                            between  24  and  35  grams**.  This             believe that goat milk can naturally promote
                            pasteurized  milk  has  additional  fiber                 skin health and be used for cosmetic
                            from chicory root, which helps increase                      purposes. It also relieves the
                            the amount of fiber needed for the body                      symptoms of asthma and certain
                            each day and promotes intestinal                             dermatological conditions.

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