Page 101 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
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                                                                                                SEE TH

                         Glenilen Farm, located west of Cork, produces
                     protein-rich kefir yogurt made from 14 strains of yogurt
                     culture. The  ingredients  are  simple  and  include,  for
                     instance, milk from cows fed with domestically sourced
                     grasses and other main natural raw materials. Since no
                     sugar, preservatives, or additives are added, the yogurt
                     is thus high quality, good for health, and palatable. Last
                     May, Glenilen Farm became the first manufacturer in
                     Ireland to sell yogurt in pouches for the convenience of
                     its target consumers, such as children, teenagers, and
                     working adults. The yogurt pouches do not require a spoon
                     and  are  capped  with  a  multiple-use  lid  for  multiple   One of the advantages and unique points of dairy products from
                     consumption and waste reduction.                the EU, including Ireland, is that the products come from grass-fed,
                        Apart from cow milk, cheese products can also be  free-range cows that can freely roam the pastures for more than 240
                     made from sheep and goat milk from Irish dairy farms that  days per year. The cows are raised in places with suitable climates,
                     supply several brands of homemade cheese. This also  nutrient-rich grasses, and natural food supplements with no chemical
                     includes  buffalo cheese named Macroom Buffalo  or insecticide exposure. The animal welfare principle is carefully
                     Cheese, which comes from the first farm in Ireland to  adhered to, and quality inspection is periodically conducted as the
                     produce buffalo cheese. Every morning, farmers will  government-established standards dictate. As a result, the milk has
                     ensure that milk is freshly milked and is used to produce  high quality, a high amount of nutrients and protein, and great taste,
                     fresh cheese so that customers can be confident that they  thus easily becoming a consumer’s favorite anywhere in the world.
                     can  enjoy  the  truly  natural  flavor  of  cheese  with  no   Apart from dairy products directly offered to end consumers, dairy
                     additives, colorants, or preservatives. Plant-based rennet,  farms in Ireland also supply raw milk to milk co-ops and factories for
                     a rennin-rich substance, separates casein and turns it into  further processing and production of powdered milk. Value-adding
                     curd in cheese production, thus rendering the product  innovations  and  manufacturing  technologies  have  made  the
                     ideal for vegetarians.                          production of powdered milk with multiple functional properties
                                                                     possible. The product can be globally exported to countries that
                                                                     need high-quality powdered milk, which will be used as an ingredient
                                                                     for their dairy products. Such initiative is supported by Board Bia –
                                                                     The Irish Food Board, which assists dairy farmers in knowledge,
                                                                     technology, and buildup of connections between Irish manufacturers
                                                                     and overseas food importers through many engaging campaigns
                                                                     available throughout the year.

                                                                                 More Information        Service Info C014

                                                                      เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                        The survey of dairy product packaging in supermarkets   กรมอนามัย กระทรวงสาธารณสุข
                     found  that  one  of  the  common  logos  displayed  on   Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health
                     packaging is “Grass-Fed”, which guarantees that the dairy   Grocery market share figures from Kantar (June 2023)
                     product  comes  from  grass-fed  cows  in  Ireland. The
                     “National  Dairy  Council”  logo  is  to  assure  that  the    
                     product has high quality, adheres to animal welfare        
                     and sustainability principles, and comes from dairy cows
                     raised  in  Ireland. The  “FSC”  logo  indicates  that  the
                     packaging is not associated with deforestation, while the
                     mark  “100%  Recyclable  Materials”  affirms  that  the   * National Adult Nutrition Survey, IUNA 2011
                                                                      **INDI, 2016
                     packaging  is  made  entirely  of  recyclable  materials.   ***Chicory root fibre contributes to normal bowel function by
                     Nutrition  facts  are  also  clearly  displayed.  These     increasing bowel movement frequency
                     information and symbols help boost consumer confidence   Special thanks to European Dairy and Bordbia for the invitation
                     in selecting products that are environmentally sustainable     to the market study visit in Ireland
                     and good for health.
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