Page 152 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
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                                                               Different approaches through research for better
                                                               problem solving
                                                               Dr. Kittiwut Kasemwong,  Research Team Leader of Nano
                                                               Agricultural Chemistry and Processing Research Team, from
                                                               NANOTEC, has chosen a proprietary unique freezing method
                                                               that can extend the shelf life of lime juice for up to 2 years while
                                                               maintaining its quality to be similar to that of freshly squeezed
                                                               juice. In order to maintain the quality of the lime juice, most
                                                               processes require the mitigation of certain enzyme activities in
                                                               the lime juice through pasteurization or the application of ultra-
                                                               high temperature (UHT). However, this process affects the quality
                                                               of the juice, and to solve this problem, the research team has
                                                               developed a more efficient freezing process by adapting the
                                                               freezing process from the existing blast freezer and determining
                                                               the appropriate temperature and time conditions until frozen lime
                                                               juice with hexagonal crystals can be produced. Upon verification
                                                               of the enzyme activity through enzyme markers, it was found
                                                               that it was reduced by more than 50 percent, which is more
                                                               efficient than the normal freezing process, which could only
                                                               reduce the activities by 10-20 percent. The innovative process
                                                               has also discovered that if the frozen lime juice is thawed and
                                                               examined for sensory properties, its characteristics are similar
            Manee Manao: Frozen lime juice with beneath        to freshly squeezed lime juice. In addition, lime juice that went
            innovations and ideas                              through this unique freezing process, when thawed, could be
            Mr.  Ketkong Porntaweewat, CEO, and Mr. Viriya     stored for up to 1-2 weeks and kept refrigerated for up to 2-3
            Porntaweewat, Managing Director of Chiangmai Bioveggie   months.
            Co., Ltd., are executives of a company that focuses on
            agricultural product processing. Before becoming ‘Manee   Precise aroma and taste standards through
            Manao’, a freshly-squeezed frozen lime juice that is free from   electronic nose technology (E-nose)
            additives, they had foreseen the volatility of lime prices that   Assessments of smell and taste quality through humans are
            affects farmers and consumers alike, as well as oversupply   limited in terms of accuracy and the amount of testing that
            issues that contributed towards falling prices and low yield   sometimes cannot be controlled. Therefore, the company and
            problems during the dry season thus causing a shortage of   the NANOTEC research team developed an intelligent lime
            limes in the market which contributes to a significant increase   odor-taste quality assessment device, or Lime ID, which is a
            in the price of limes. However, in the past 3-4 years, the   technology that combines electronic nose technology (E-nose)
            company has introduced Tahitian seedless limes, which are   with artificial intelligence, to assess the characteristics of fresh
            squeezed for their juice and then subsequently frozen to   lime juice. This technology consists of 3 parts: the olfactory
            extend their shelf life. With this process in place, the company   receptor, a sensor to detect odor and taste, which then sends
            has set the average price of frozen lime juice to be stable   the information to the receptor to digitize the signal to the
            throughout the year, thus facilitating the control of production   processing unit. The data obtained will be statistically compared
            costs of restaurant operators and ensuring a steady supply   with the odor and taste database compiled by the research team
            of lime juice throughout the year.                 based on consumer acceptance scores. The test results will be
               Producing frozen lime juice starts with bringing the citrus   displayed as a score of 1-9. The Manee Manao products
            fruit to the washer to wash away foreign matters. Subsequently,   constantly achieve a score of 7-9, which is the level accepted
            they are then soaked in chlorine-infused water according to   by consumers and the market.
            the  pre-established  ratio  to  reduce  the  number  of   The innovation and technology involved in the production of
            microorganisms attached to the skin, then sent to the   Manee Manao is an interesting case study for fruit juices or other
            production plant for further processing. The plant’s lime juicer   fresh vegetable entrepreneurs that often encounter issues with
            is designed to accommodate all sizes of limes, reducing the   deteriorating produce, similar to lime juice. Close collaboration
            sorting process. The resulting lime juice is inspected for   with NSTDA’s National Nanotechnology Center, which is fully
            quality and taste and adjusted to ensure that it is within the   facilitated in terms of personnel, research equipment, informative
            standard criteria, and then packed and frozen during the   knowledge,  and  research  in  several  fields,  can  support
            night before being shipped and sold the next day. However,   entrepreneurs to overcome various challenges and differentiate
            as inconsistent storage temperature may affect the juice’s   their products through innovations that will eventually help
            color, smell, and taste, the company has cooperated with   mitigate the cost of importing technology from abroad.
            the NSTDA’s National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC)
            research team in developing a freezing process to maintain
            better the quality of the frozen freshly squeezed lime juice
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