Page 36 - FoodFocusThailand No.211 OCTOBER 2023
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             Table 1 Comparison of Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI) and Flake Ice (FI)

                   Property                 Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI)                       Flake Ice (FI)
             Source material      Produced from seawater, yielding small ice crystals  Produced from freshwater having in large ice
                                  with a soft texture.                     crystals with a harder texture.
             Skin integrity of aquatic   Maintains skin integrity; pressure or tearing during  Puts skin integrity at risk; susceptible to pressure-
             animals              storage and transport is minimal.        induced tearing during storage and transportation.
             Temperature range    Maintains a temperature range of -0.5 to -2°C.  Typically hovers at 0.5°C or higher.
             Temperature reduction   Rapidly lowers the temperature of aquatic animals,  Slower  temperature  reduction  often  results  in
             capability           ensuring they stay within a storage range of 0 to  aquatic  animals  sustaining  1°C  or  higher
                                  -1°C.                                    temperatures during storage.
             Preservation of sensory   Effectively preserves the color, odor, and taste of  Rapidly alters the color, odor, and taste of aquatic
             attributes           aquatic animals.                         animals.
             Microbial control    Contains ozone, serving as an agent to impede or  Lacks active substances that deter or eradicate
                                  annihilate microbial growth.             microorganisms.

            Ozone Slurry Ice Improves the Efficiency of             Thai researchers conducted experiments using Ozone Slurry
            Preserving Seafood                                   Ice (OSI) to preserve sea bass for 14 days. They found that fish
            Slurry Ice (SI) is an innovative cooling technique derived from   preserved in Flake Ice (FI) had a higher overall microbial count
            seawater that presents a sub-zero temperature suspension          compared to those preserved in OSI. This significant finding
            (-1 to -2 °C) as its hallmark for preserving the freshness of   indicates that the use of ozone in conjunction with Slurry Ice is
            seafood products. SI boasts a distinct advantage in its swifter   effective in controlling microbial growth. According to the Ministry
            cooling rate when contrasted with Flake Ice (FI), concurrently   of Public Health (No. 416) in 2020, which sets the quality and
            mitigating the risk of physical damage to aquatic organisms due   standards, criteria, and testing methods for microorganisms in
            to the presence of ice particles in slurry form. Notably, the   food that can cause diseases, seafood consumed raw or
            preservation of aquatic organisms using ozonized liquid ice   minimally processed and packaged for sale, such as fish, shrimp,
            preserves their chemical, sensory, and antimicrobial attributes.  squid, sashimi, etc., must not contain Salmonella spp. in 25
               Using Slurry Ice (SI) to chill seafood is more efficient in   grams of flesh. Additionally, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus
            preserving food than traditional Flake Ice (FI), which is a   cereus, and          must not exceed 100 CFU
            conventional chilling technique. This is because liquid ice   in 1 gram of flesh. From the results, it was found that sea bass
            provides deep chilling, as shown in a report by Saramac Ltd. It   preserved in Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI) did not contain Salmonella
            was found that liquid ice can rapidly lower the temperature and   spp. Furthermore, the levels of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus
            induce unconsciousness and death in mackerel within a   cereus, and  Clostridium perfringens remained within the
            remarkably short time, often within 20 seconds. This results in   established standards throughout the 12-day preservation period.
            the preservation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels before   Therefore, fresh sea bass preserved in Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI)
            death, which is significantly lower than in fish that experience   is safe for consumption and passed the criteria announced by
            a  more  prolonged  and  distressing  death  (agony  death).   the Ministry of Public Health. In sensory evaluations conducted
            Experiments conducted at the Hokkaido Industrial Technology   using the 9-point Hedonic scale by food experts from Japanese
            Laboratory further confirmed these findings, revealing that the   and Thai  restaurants,  it  was  observed  that  these  experts
            ATP content in mackerel that underwent distressing death was   continued to accept sea bass preserved in Ozone Slurry Ice
            lower than those that experienced rapid death in Slurry Ice (SI),   (OSI), whether in raw or cooked form, even after the extended
            while the concentration of lactic acid was significantly higher.   12-day preservation period. This indicates the safety and suitable
            This scientific evidence underscores the impact of Slurry Ice   quality of sea bass preserved using Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI) for
            (SI) and ozone on seafood freshness preservation.    consumption.
               Ozone Slurry Ice Machine by a Thai Research Team to   This experiment is according to the study of Campos et al
            Mitigate the Cost of Importing from Abroad In a collaborative   (2005), it was found that ozone can slow down microbial growth
            endeavor between the Faculty of Fisheries at Kasetsart   in fish preserved with Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI). Moreover, the
            University and a private research entity, a pioneering Ozone   Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI) also prolongs the shelf life by up to 60%.
            Slurry Ice (OSI) machine has been meticulously developed.   Some studies reported that the combination of ozone, whether
            This innovative technology promises to revolutionize seafood   in normal water or NaCl solution, effectively inhibited several
            preservation. The comparative properties of OSI in contrast to   microorganisms such as  Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli,
            traditional freshwater-based Flake Ice (FI) are elucidated in the   Salmonella typhimurium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and
            ensuing table:                                       Staphylococcus aureus.
               Thai researchers conducted tests to evaluate the     Preliminary test results of black tiger prawns’ storage in Ozone
            effectiveness of ozone in destroying microorganisms in   Slurry Ice (OSI) and Flake Ice (FI), the storage period of 4 days
            seawater. They found that ozone-produced liquid ice (OSI) met   showed that shrimp stored in Flake Ice (FI) had dark heads.
            the microbial quality standards outlined in the Ministry of Public   Meanwhile, shrimp stored in Ozone Slurry Ice (OSI) will be a
            Health’s Announcement No. 61 (B.E. 1981) regarding “Drinking   normal color. Overall, ozonized slurry ice offers a safer, more
            Water in Sealed Containers.” In contrast, seawater samples   efficient, and sustainable alternative for preserving seafood.
            not treated with ozone did not meet the microbial quality
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             36  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  OCT  2023

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