Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 45


                     generated free radicals from the cold   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     plasma cause the deterioration of   Zhang, B., Tan, C., Zou, F., Sun, Y., Shang, N. and Wu, W. 2022. Impacts of cold plasma
                     lipoproteins and peptidoglycan of     technology on sensory, nutritional and safety quality of Food: A Review. Foods: 11: 2818.
                     gram-negative bacteria, leading to   Khumsupan, D., Lin, S. P., Hsieh, C. W., Santoso, S. P., Chou, Y. J., Hsieh, K. C., Lin, H. W.,
                     cell lysis, while free radicals cause     Ting, Y.and Cheng, K. C. 2023. Current and potential applications of atmospheric cold
                     changes in DNA levels in gram-        plasma in the food industry. Molecules 28: 4903.
                                                         Usman, I., Afzaal, M., Imran, A., Saeed, F., Afzal, A., Ashfaq, I., Abbas Shah, Y., Islam, F., Azam,
                     positive bacteria. The application of     I.
                     cold plasma is commonly used to     Tariq, I., Ateeq, H., Asghar, A., Farooq, R., Rasheed, A. and Asif Shah, M. 2023. Recent
                     inhibit  microorganisms  in  various     updates and perspectives of plasma in food processing: a review. International Journal of
                     types of fresh food. The proportions     Food Properties 26: 1,552-566, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2023.2171052
                     are as follows: fruits and vegetables
                     (40%) followed by seeds, dried fruits
                     and nuts (21%), meat (19%), spices                   More Information        Service Info C005
                     (10%), liquids (6%), and food surface
                        2. Enhance sensory charac-
                     teristics  Cold plasma technology
                     affects the color, texture, and flavor
                     of food. Pigments (natural or synthetic)
                     and chemical reactions of food are
                     changed during the cold plasma
                     treatment, especially in fruit juices,
                     such as the loss of carotenoids in
                     tomato  juice,  the  bright  yellow
                     increment in apple juice, and the
                     stable  pink-red  color  in  the  meat
                     without chemicals addition. These
                     changes  are  related  to  oxidation
                     reactions and pigment isomerization.
                     However, the cold plasma process
                     does not cause the color change if
                     the processing time is less than 5
                     minutes. For texture properties, it has
                     been  found  that  cold  plasma  can
                     maintain the quality of fresh food.
                     After storage for a week, mushrooms
                     treated with cold plasma provide a
                     higher hardness. In addition, the free
                     radicals also enhance the flavor and
                     taste of meat products.  This is
                     because the cold plasma process
                     affects the protein and fatty acids. It
                     changes protein structure and
                     increases hydrophobicity, resulting in
                     the development of overall flavor.
                        Cold  plasma  technology  has
                     potential  applications  in  food
                     processing to improve physical and
                     chemical properties, including
                     reducing microorganisms. It must be
                     taken into account many related
                     factors such as frequency, power,
                     duration, and gas used in the process
                     to obtain the product appearance
                     according to the requirement.
                     However, there are limitations in the
                     tools and equipment development
                     to be suitable for mass production
                     and completely utilized in the food

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