Page 40 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
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            Table 2 Application of gamma food irradiation
              Product                              Result                                Dose         Research

             Rice        • Control of rice weevil and red flour beetle in plastic-packaged jasmine rice  0.2-2.0 kGy  Sirisoontaralak and
                         • Increased yellowness of milled rice                           < 1 kGy   Noomhorm (2006)
                         • Increased water absorption during cooking, increased total solids in cooking
                           water, and decreased hardness of cooked rice
                         • Increased rancidity and reduced characteristic aroma of jasmine rice
             Wheat flour  • Inhibition of bacteria and fungi in wheat flour packaged in plastic bag for storage   0.25 kGy  Marathe et al. (2002)
                           duration of up to 6 months
                         • No effect on moisture content, protein, fat, carbohydrate, free fatty acid, starch,
                           sugar, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, sedimentation rate, dough-forming properties, and
                           viscosity during gelatinization
             Banana      • Inhibition of fungi inducing anthracnose, root rot, and tip rot  2.5-5 kGy  Urbain (1986)
                         • Delayed ripening                                              0.35 kGy
                         • Blackened and softened peel                                  <0.30 kGy
             Beef        • Reduction of Salmonella by 2-3 log in chilled beef cuts       1-3 kGy   Thayer and Boyd (1993)
                         • Control of E. coli O157: H7                                   2.5 kGy   Nam et al. (2003)
                         • Increased lipid oxidation
             Cake        • Inhibition of fungi in chiffon cake packaged in plastic bag for the duration of up to   4 kGy  Sirisoontaralak et al.
                           90 days at ambient temperature                                          (2017)
                         • Complete inhibition of Aspergillus flavus in chiffon cake. A non-irradiated chiffon
                           cake only lasted 3 days before spoilage occurred despite added calcium propionate
                           of 3g/kg as antifungal preservative.
             Chili paste  • Increased lipid oxidation during storage                      8 kGy    Sirisoontaralak et al.
                         • Complete elimination of all microbes (~5 log cfu/g)                     (2022)
                         • Shelf-life extension of shrimp chili paste packaged in plastic bag for up to 6 months
                           at ambient temperature
                         • Complete inhibition of Escherichia coli in chili pastes
                         • Alteration of color and oxidation of lipid during storage but with acceptable sensory
             Burger      • Complete elimination of all microbes and shelf-life extension of ready-to-eat fish   8 kGy  Sirisoontaralak et al.
                           burger packaged in plastic bag from 3 days to at least 2 months at room temperature  (2022)
                         • Reduction of a  value, water holding capacity, brittleness, and redness (a* value)
                           of fish burger
             Sandwich    • The presence of Staphylococcus aureus was not detected in sandwich during   5.9 kGy  Lamb et al. (2002)
                           storage at chilling temperature
             Ready-to-eat   • Reduction of overall microbial presence, including that of Staphylococcus spp.,   2.5 kGy  Kanatt et al. (2006)
             shrimp(s)     in ready-to-eat shrimp, which were boiled and marinated until a  value reached
                         • Extension of shelf life at ambient temperature from 15 days to 2 months
             Ready-to-eat  • Inhibition of L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meal (steak, mashed potato, and   0.8 kGy  Foley et al. (2001)
             meal          gravy sauce)
                         • The presence of aerobic organisms, yeast, and fungi was not detected during
                           chilled storage of up to 3 weeks
                         • Development of vacuum packaged, Stuffed Baked Food (SBF) made from multigrain   15 kGy  Kumar et al. (2016)
                           dough, food stuffed with roasted pea flour, boiled and mashed potato, and mashed
                           pea with spices and salt.
                         • Products could be stored at ambient temperature for up to 240 days while retaining
                           their original quality attributes.
                         • Products were developed for defense personnel, soldiers deployed for war or
                           expedition, school lunch program, astronauts, and calamity victims.
                Meat and Seafood  Irradiation of meat (beef, pork) and   coliform and E. coli in fast food products that are easy to
            poultry can reduce food-spoilage microorganisms and   prepare and consume, including baked goods, sandwich,
            pathogens such as Salmonella, Salmonella typhimurium,   hamburger, meat ball, ready-to-eat seafood, snack, etc. It is
            Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni, Staphylococcus   also applicable to condiments or food ingredients, such as
            aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, Clostridium   sauce, peanut butter, chili paste, etc. Nevertheless, it may
            perfringens, and  Listeria monocytogenes. It can also kill   cause oxidation in fat and affect sensory quality. Additionally,
            parasites, such as tapeworm or other worms, but may lead to   some ready-to-eat foods have been developed to retain stability
            altered color, altered texture, rancidity, loss of liquid content,   at ambient temperature via radappertization, which is
            and loss of water during cooking. Seafood and fish irradiation   equivalent to sterilization (10-20 kGy).
            can reduce microbes such as Pseudomonas, Achromobacter,
            Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium, Alteromonas, Shewanella spp.
            and prevent liver fluke in raw fish or raw seafood.
               Ready-to-eat Foods Irradiation can decrease the number
            of  food-spoilage  microbes  and  pathogens  such  as                                        More Information  Service Info C004
            L. monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp.,
             40 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  NOV  2023

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