Page 39 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 39


                     Table 1 Application of Food Irradiation Classified by Radiation Levels
                        Radiation Level                    Purpose                              Product Sample

                      Low level (Not higher than  •  Inhibition of sprouting in potato and other foods  Potato, onion, garlic, ginger root, banana, mango,
                      1 kGy)               •  Elimination of insects and worms in harvested   non-citrus fruits, cereal, bean, dried vegetables,
                                             wheat, flour, fruits, and vegetables.  fish, dried meat, and raw pork
                                           •  Delayed ripening
                                           •  Elimination of harmful parasites in food
                      Medium level, equivalent  •  Reduction or elimination of food-spoilage   Raw fish, strawberry, grape, dried vegetables, fresh
                      to pasteurization      microorganisms and parasites           or frozen seafood, frozen meat, and frozen poultry
                      (1-10 kGy)           •  Reduction or elimination of pathogenic
                      High level, equivalent to  •  Sterilization of food for hospitalized patients who  Meat, poultry, seafood, spices, other hospital meals,
                      sterilization (10-50 kGy)     need to avoid infection or for other purposes  enzyme preparation, and natural gum
                                           •  Elimination of pathogenic viruses
                                           •  Prevention of contamination in food additives
                                             and ingredients

                     can be classified into three levels according to their   can inhibit Erwinia caratova, which can cause rot in vegetables
                     functional  benefits  for  food  products:  these  are  low,   but can also soften the texture, alter the color, and change the
                     medium,  and  high  doses,  all  of  which  are  shown  in           flavor of vegetables at the same time. Additionally, irradiation
                     Table 1.                                           can suppress size expansion, maturation, and sprouting in many
                                                                        vegetables, such as asparagus, mushroom, potato, onion, etc.
                     Application Guidelines for Gamma Food              In spices and herbs (dried or powdered), a radiation dose of 3-10
                     Irradiation                                        kGy  can  lower  contamination  of  fungi  (Penicillium  spp.,
                        Cereals and Legumes The irradiation of cereals and   Aspergillus glacus),  bacteria  (Bacillus cereus, Clostridium
                     legumes can inhibit the reproduction of stored product   perfringens, Salmonella) and insects.
                     insects, such as rice weevil (Sitophulus oryzae), wheat
                     weevil  (Sitophilus granarius),  and  red  flour  beetle
                     (Triboilium castaneum Herbst.,) commonly found in grain
                     storage. It can replace chemical pesticide fumigation,
                     destroy insects’ cells, and incapacitate or mutate insects’
                     sex cells. The level of 3-5 kGy can cause cell death, while
                     a sterilizing dose and a sub-sterilization dose requires
                     very  lower  energy,  at  0.1-0.2  kGy  only.  In  addition,
                     irradiation of no higher than 10 kGy can inhibit major cereal
                     or legume fungi such as Aspergillus, Penicilium, Alternaria,
                     Fusarium, and Rhizopus. In contrast, to destroy fungi-
                     derived  toxins,  such  as  aflatoxin,  ochratoxin,  and
                     fumonisin, a high dose of 10-30 kGy is required.
                        Nevertheless, irradiation can alter certain aspects of
                     rice, including color, viscosity, cooking quality, rancidity,
                     aroma, and sensory quality. Wheat irradiation affects
                     proteins and starch, causing alteration of gluten, dough’s
                     properties,  and  quality  of  wheat  flour  (water  and  oil
                     absorbability, swelling power, emulsification capacity,
                     viscosity of starch paste, water solubility, emulsion stability,
                     foam ability, and foam stability). Legume irradiation helps
                     soften  legume  kernel,  shorten  cooking  time,  alter
                     oligosaccharide – which causes flatulence and stomach
                     gases –, and reduce anti-nutrients. However, it may also
                     affect functional properties of bean starch and cause
                     oxidation in legume oil.
                        Vegetables, Fruits, and Spices While fruit irradiation
                     can slow down fruit ripening, suppress spoilage, reduce
                     microbial pathogens, and control insect reproduction, it
                     may adversely affect texture and damage cells, making
                     it easier for external microorganisms to breach in and
                     cause damage. For instance, to control stem-end rot of
                     an orange, a radiation dose of 1.5 kGy or higher must be
                     applied, but such level will cause damage to or soften
                     oranges, resulting in button-sized, black patches that may
                     contribute to further rot. Similarly, vegetable irradiation                  NOV  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  39

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