Page 74 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 74


            Intra-Logistics Systems in the Food Industry         or a small box storage system that can be combined into
            The food industry can be considered a pioneer in optimizing   a large box (Unit load or Mini-load). In this regard, automated
            automation, and manufacturers must comply with strict rules   warehouses (AS/RS) may be designed to be consistent with
            and regulations such as HACCP, GMP, or others. Therefore,   each specific use and storage size, as follows:
            when automated material management systems are to be    - Automated Mini-Load AS/RS Automated Mini-Load
            applied, entrepreneurs are expected to take into consideration   AS/RS can help make storage faster and more efficient as they
            the various following factors when considering their system   can store containers, trays, boxes, and other small items quickly.
            designs:                                             This ensures that products are delivered promptly and
               • Minimization of the emission, dispersal, and build-up of   accurately and can also be processed in a refrigerated
            dust.                                                warehouse. This type of storage system is suitable for storing
               • Ease of cleaning and maintenance.               small items on a single or multiple levels. Moreover, it can also
               • Preventing cross-contamination.                 double as a distribution center as well.
               • Prevention of human error.                         - Automated Macro-Load AS/RS It is suitable for loading
               The correct procedure of a material handling system should   specially designed small items of varying shapes and weights.
            consider the above key points. There must also be a suitable   The system is widely used to enable accurate selecting and
            process in place that can help reduce the workforce in the   delivery of goods, as well as being able to quickly supply the
            various steps, such as storing raw materials, work in progress,   required quantity of products.
            storing finished products, transportation during production,
            storage of packaging materials, etc.                 The  Advantages of  Digital Supply Chain
                                                                 Management and Logistics in the Food Industry
            Automated  Storage  of  Raw  and  Packaging             Maintaining Product Quality The quality of a product does
            Materials                                            not entirely depend on the raw materials used or the
            Raw and packaging materials that have arrived from suppliers   manufacturer itself but also depends on supply chains and
            are inspected and then stored in an AS/RS. Afterward, each   logistics systems. This is due to the undeniable fact that food
            product lot is inspected. Until a lot is given a pass, it is prevented   products are easily perishable, and thus must rely on a
            from moving to the manufacturing process. In cases where the   systematic supply chain management process, as well as an
            manufacturing process takes place across multiple floors, the   efficient & suitable temperature control throughout the storage
            AS/RS also acts as an elevator. (Figure 4).          and distribution process under all temperature conditions.
               If a particularly clean environment is necessary, depalletizing   Avoid  Product  Contamination  Food  is  easy  for
            robots will separate each case and individually send them   contaminants, such as bacteria and mold, which may affect
            through an air shower. Afterward, a palletizing robot will re-  the consumers' health. Therefore, maintaining high hygiene
            palletize the cases on new pallets for storage in the AS/RS.  and safety standards is an absolute necessity. For example,
                                                                 warehouse systems should meet standards such as the GMP
            Automation of Product Shipping Preparation           or BRC Global Standard for Storage and Distribution, as well
            Finished products are boxed and loaded onto empty pallets   as ensure reduced contact, which can effectively mitigate risks
            which are then shrink-wrapped and stored. When an order is   while at the same time enhancing the manufacturer's credibility.
            received, the pallet will then be removed, and the products are   Avoid Breakage and Damage In addition to quality and
            loaded onto the truck. If this process is carried out through the   cleanliness, the transportation of products also plays an
            use of manual labor, it would be a labor-intensive one. However,   important role as most food products have an expiration date.
            suppose various solutions are applied collaboratively with an   Arrangements  must  be  made  to  distribute  products  with
            automated system, such as empty pallet conveyors, robotic   expiration dates first (First Expire Date, First Out; FEFO), which
            palletizing machines, automated labeling machines, AGVs, and   requires packaging, product loading, and special equipment
            other comprehensive material handling systems for preparing   for transporting the products.
            products for delivery. In that case, it should be effectively able   Ensure Fast Delivery to Avoid Deterioration Logistics
            to reduce the use of manual labor to a significant level. At this   management within an organization can help deliver products
            stage, the product may be temporarily quarantined until it passes   to customers within the time commitment and avoid product
            inspection.                                          deterioration, such as conducting same-day delivery at multiple
                                                                 points within the same delivery route (multi-drops), ensuring a
            Designing Supply Chains Solutions that Suit the      smooth and timely delivery process, including savings to
            Production Process                                   shipping costs.
            At the production sites of the food process, it is common to need   Intralogistics management, though not a small investment,
            to maintain certain storage conditions such as high humidity,   is undeniably an evolving global trend, and being ready for
            varying temperatures, and maintaining hygiene in order to   such changes is imperative. Therefore, changes should start
            comply with ISO or GMP standards. Some examples include   with building the organization's basic systems, such as the ERP
            controlling dust emissions on all contact shelf surfaces, as well   system, investment in people, and changing “mind set”. These
            as conveyor systems that can be washed and cleaned through   are  among  the  courage  and  challenges  in  ultimately
            the use of stainless-steel material, waterproofing, and oil-free   transforming the organization towards modern logistics
            chains, preventing cross-contamination through the building of   management.
            negative and positive pressure areas, or using a conveyor belt
            to pass containers through boxes when moving in and out of
            the storage areas, etc.

            Get to Know More about the Automated Warehouse
            Systems (AS/RS)
            Automated warehouses (AS/RS) are either a shelf type (AS/     More Information        Service Info C012
            RS Rack) that can accommodate stacks of up to 30 meters high

             74  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  NOV  2023

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