Page 78 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 78


                                                                     - Identify the active substances with antiviral activity
                                                                  against SAR-CoV-2 in fingerroot extract, their structural
                                                                  formulas, and the minimum effective concentration of each
                                                                     - Study the active mechanisms and determine acute and
                                                                  chronic toxicity and optimum dosage in animal testing.
                                                                     - Study the safety of fingerroot extract by determining its
                                                                  optimum dosage and potential side effects.
                                                                     - Verify the fingerroot extract’s safety and efficacy in
                                                                  100 – 1,000 patients.
                                                                     - Develop the formulas and evaluate their properties,
                                                                  such  as  solubility,  dispersion,  and  stability,  before  the
                                                                  registration and production of products for further distribution.
             effective  technology  that  can  test  samples  of  synthetic
             substances, crude extracts, and pure natural substances in   EDCC in becoming Thailand’s active substance
             different forms simultaneously in large quantities, was used to
             determine the effects of herbal extracts and the community’s   collection center
             geographic indications (GI). The collected data supported the   To serve as Thailand’s active substance collection center,
             development of the ecosystem and agricultural system called   the ECDD, dedicated to the search for bioactive substances,
             Smart Farming and improved the sustainability, safety, and   has built a warehouse with a capacity of more than 100,000
             standards of herbal wisdom-based products. The ECDD has   active substances for natural substances, synthetic extracts,
             initiated projects to enhance extraction potential and develop   and crude extracts. In addition to extending its research
             bioanalytical techniques. Additionally, to maximize Thai herbs’   collaboration with government organizations and the private
             production  potential  and  market  value,  the  ECDD  has   sector to gather bioactive substances in Thailand, the ECDD
             collaborated with numerous organizations throughout the public   has established a chemical research unit to enhance the
             and private sectors.                                 potential  in  crude  extract  extraction  and  pure  natural
               The  ECDD  aims  to  produce  raw  extracts  and  pure   substance separation. More than 6,000 substances are
             substances from Thai herbs to increase their value and promote   already available for testing, and the ECDD plans to increase
             their acceptance worldwide, in which conducting in vitro tests   the warehouse capacity to 10,000 substances within 1-2
             and jointly developing formulas are the first steps in turning   years.
             them into herbal products. The ECDD has developed analytical
             methods to enhance the performance of bioactivity tests by
             developing cell-based assay platforms, biochemical assay      More Information       Service Info C013
             platforms,  and  bacterial  assay  platforms,  expanding
             cooperation in animal testing and clinical trials, and working
             with in vitro studies. These efforts are in addition to developing   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
             the extraction methods of natural active substances and   ศููนย์์ความเป็็นเลิิศูด้้านการค้นหาตััวย์า จััด้ตัั�งขึ้้�นโด้ย์ความร่วมมือขึ้อง
             expanding research cooperation to collect compounds with     ศููนย์์ความเป็็นเลิิศูด้้านวิทย์าศูาสตัร์ (TCELS) คณะแพทย์ศูาสตัร์
             bioactivities.                                         โรงพย์าบาลิรามาธิิบด้ี แลิะคณะวิทย์าศูาสตัร์ มหาวิทย์าลิัย์มหิด้ลิ
             Study of bioactive substances of Fingerroot            คุณสมบัตัิทางช้ีวภาพแลิะสามารถพัฒนาเป็็นสารเริ�มตั้นในการพัฒนาเป็็น
             (Boesenbergia  rotunda  (L.)  Mansf.)  against         ผลิิตัภัณฑ์์เครื�องสำาอาง ผลิิตัภัณฑ์์เสริมอาหาร ผลิิตัภัณฑ์์จัากสมุนไพร
             pathogens                                              ตัลิอด้จันการพัฒนาเพื�อขึ้้�นทะเบีย์นย์าใหม่ในอนาคตั นอกจัากนี�
             The ECDD, as a part of the research team, has previously     ทางศููนย์์ EDCC สามารถให้บริการทางด้้านการสกัด้สารเพื�อการทด้สอบ
             studied and investigated a variety of herbs, including fingerroot     ความเป็็นพิษตั่อเซลิลิ์ การทด้สอบฤทธิิ�ทางช้ีวภาพ การทด้สอบการป็นเป็้�อน
             extract. The findings indicated that the active substances     เช้ื�อไมโครพลิาสมา แลิะย์ังให้บริการห้องป็ฏิิบัตัิการเพาะเลิี�ย์งเซลิลิ์
             present in fingerroot extract are pinostrobin and panduratin A.     พร้อมเครื�องมือแลิะวิเคราะห์ผลิอีกด้้วย์
             These substances show antiviral activity against COVID-19,   The ECDD was established in collaboration with the Thailand Center
             according to in vitro experiments. In addition, Thai fingerroot     of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS), Faculty of Medicine
             extract shows antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori,     Ramathibodi Hospital, and Faculty of Science, Mahidol University,
             a risk factor for stomach cancer, according to an in vitro     to conduct research and develop technology used in finding
             bioactivity test. To better understand the bioactivities of Thai     bioactive substances that can be used as materials for the
                                                                    production of cosmetic products, dietary supplements, herbal
             herbs, the ECDD intends to develop the fingerroot extract in     products, as well as the registration of new drugs in the future.
             the future, including pure natural ingredients and crude extracts.     The EDCC also offers substance extraction services for cytotoxicity,
             The research and development process of fingerroot extract     bioactivity, and mycoplasma contamination tests and laboratory
             before marketing is as follows.                        services with equipment for cell culture and analysis.
               - Select fingerroot and grind it into a smaller size, then   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / Reference
             extract ground fingerroot with 95% ethanol before drying the /nutraceutical-โภช้นเภสัช้
             extract to obtain fingerroot powder.

             78  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  NOV  2023

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