Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
P. 55
Wisdom of Herbal Product:
Utilization and Regulations
Humans have used medicinal plants since prehistoric times for as long as we have existed. Many wisdoms
involve the application of medicinal plants as food, medicine, or products for daily use. The medicinal
properties of medicinal plants are determined by the type and quantity of chemical components, which vary
according to the plant species, the part of the medicinal plant used, the growing conditions, and harvest
time. Many studies have been carried out recently on the active substances in medical plants to investigate
their composition, characteristics, extraction methods, classification, and examination. These studies
have included pharmacological, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic investigations and clinical research on
medicinal plants.
Phytochemicals in medicinal plants preventive and therapeutic properties for stomach ulcers as well
1) Primary metabolites are substances commonly as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and wound-healing activities.
present in higher plants and found in all plants. Primary However, excessive or prolonged consumption of turmeric may
metabolites are the products of the photosynthesis. Primary cause aberrant liver function. At present, turmeric is used in many
metabolites include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, forms of food products. For example, fresh rhizomes are used in
pigments, inorganic salts, etc. cooking, coloring, and flavoring various dishes such as fermented
2) Secondary metabolites are the products of the fish entrails soup, and curry. Turmeric is also processed into
biosynthesis process of plants. Certain secondary powder and packed into capsules or to be used as reconstituted
metabolites are produced in response to danger or pest drinks or beverage products. Moreover, concentrated curcuminoid
invasion, but these substances do not play a role in plant extract can be further processed into microemulsions and added
growth. These molecules - alkaloids, phenolic compounds, to food items. Another interesting option is to produce turmeric
terpenes, quinones, cardiac glycosides, and saponins - are extract nanocapsules to overcome the bitter taste and pungent
widely utilized for human health benefits. However, certain odor of turmeric, to increase curcumin’s water solubility, as well
secondary compounds, such as cyanogenic glycosides, as to reduce the decomposition of the extract and to maximize
pose human toxicity. nutrient absorption.
Nowadays, the public and the government are becoming 2. Andrographis paniculata is an herbaceous plant that
more interested in medicinal plants. These medicinal plants grows to a height of between 30 and 60 cm. The entire plant,
include popular herbs that have gained popularity due to dried leaves, and fresh leaves of Andrographis paniculata have
social trends, such as cannabis and Kratom (Mitragyna been utilized as herbal medicine. The active substances found
speciosa Korth), well-known herbs that are not in the social in Andrographis paniculata are lactones such as andrographolide,
trends, such as turmeric, Andrographis paniculata, stevia, neoandrographolide, and 14-deoxy-andrographolide, etc. These
as well as magic mushroom (Psilocybe cubensis), another substances can relieve symptoms of acute respiratory tract
interesting herb. infections such as coughing and sore throats by reducing the
frequency and severity of upper respiratory tract inflammation
Examples of medicinal plants and active and common cold-induced coughing. Additionally, andrographolide
substances with health benefits helps treat both asymptomatic and symptomatic infected persons
1. Turmeric is a perennial herbaceous plant of the ginger due to its inhibiting effect on the multiplication of the SARS-CoV-2
family with tuberous rhizomes or underground stems. The virus in tissue cells. It reduces the severity of symptoms and
flesh of the turmeric rhizomes is dark yellow or bright reddish- speeds up the healing process for people with infections without
yellow with a unique flavor. The main active substances leading to pneumonia. At present, Andrographis paniculata is
found in turmeric rhizomes are nonvolatile curcuminoids most often processed into powder or extracted its active
and volatile oil, including α, γ-turmerone, curcumin, and
curcumin derivatives. These active substances have FEB 2024 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND 55
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