Page 56 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
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            substances and put into capsules that are taken as dietary  the function of the human body, or reduce the risk factors of a
            supplements. However, due to its bitter and astringent taste,  disease or substances intended for use as ingredients in the
            Andrographis paniculata has not yet been processed and used  manufacturing of herbal products according to the definition
            in food products. Therefore, in developing food products  specified in Section 4. Anyone who wishes to manufacture,
            containing Andrographis paniculata, the taste is another  import, or sell herbal products shall apply for approval for herbal
            challenging issue that must be considered.          products specified in Section 6 (1), apply for registration of
               3. Stevia is a perennial herbaceous plant. Stevioside and  herbal product recipes for herbal products specified in Section
            rebaudioside A, two natural sweeteners found in stevia, are  6 (2), or apply for registration of herbal product details for herbal
            respectively 300 and 450 times sweeter than sucrose. Due to  products specified in Section 6 (3) by the criteria, procedures,
            its properties, stevia is popular among health-conscious  and conditions prescribed by law. Manufacturing, importation,
            consumers and has been used in the food industry. At present,  or sale of herbal products is only permitted once the licensor
            stevia is used for consumption in 5 forms: dried leaves, stevia  has granted a license, registered the recipes for the herbal
            tea, fresh leaves, stevia powder, and stevia extract. Stevia  products, or received notification in line with Sections 17, 34,
            extract has been used as a sugar alternative or substitute.  and 45.
            Furthermore, stevioside has a high level of acid and heat   In addition, no person shall advertise an herbal product or
            resistance, making it suitable for applications in a wide range  the benefits of an herbal product unless he or she is granted
            of food and beverage products, including chewing gum, sauces,  a license by the licensing authority by Section 70. No person
            soft beverages, green tea, snacks, bakery goods, jams, and  shall advertise an herbal product in the following manners: 1)
            jellies. At least thirty nations have allowed the use of stevia as  boasting that its health benefit or a material that is an ingredient
            a sweetener, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Australia,  of an herbal product is able to miraculously cure, treat, relieve
            New Zealand, China, Japan, and Korea, and is likely to be  or prevent a disease or an illness, or which is based on personal
            approved for use in more and more countries. Since 2002, the  belief, or is able to completely cure a disease or using any
            Ministry of Public Health of  Thailand has allowed the  wording to imply the same meaning; 2) claiming a health benefit
            manufacturing and distribution of stevia (Notification of the  that is false, exaggerating, or giving misleading information
            Ministry of Public Health (No. 262) 2002 regarding stevioside  about the health benefit of the herbal product; 3) creating an
            and foods containing stevioside). Additionally, the Ministry has  understanding that an herbal product contains a particular
            permitted the use of steviol glycoside extract as a food additive  material as an ingredient, when actually, there is no such
            since 2013 (Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.  material or ingredient in the herbal product, or it is present in
            360) 2013 regarding steviol glycosides). As to the guidelines  the product but not as much as the amount led to perceive in
            set by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United  the advertisement; 4) the health benefit of an herbal product is
            Nations and World Health Organization Codex 2010: JECFA  guaranteed or praised by any person, any group of persons or
            Monograph (2010) INS No. 960), stevia extract that is permitted  any institution except for advertisements directed to medical
            for use as a food additive must have a total content of steviol  practitioners, dental practitioners, pharmacy practitioners, Thai
            glycosides of not less than 95% of dried weight.    traditional medicine practitioners, and applied Thai traditional
               4. Magic mushroom (Psilocybe cubensis): The active  medicine practitioners. An advertisement directly to the
            substances found in magic mushroom (Psilocybe cubensis)  practitioners of said professions requires a license under
            are psilocybine and psilocine. Psilocybine is converted to  Section 74.
            psilocine once it is ingested. Due to the potent effects of   Failure to comply with the above provisions of law, whether
            psilocybine and psilocine on the nervous system, consuming  in the manufacturing, importation, sale, or advertisement of
            magic mushrooms causes intoxication and euphoria similar        herbal  products, is  an  offense and is  subject  to  criminal
            to those experienced while taking LSD (Lysergic Acid  penalties, including imprisonment and fines, because herbal
            Diethylamide). Magic mushrooms were once categorized as a  products are products that affect the health of the public and
            Category I Narcotic under the Narcotics Code when it was  consumers.
            determined that they had no medicinal value. However, a recent
            study on the usage of magic mushrooms in the treatment of
            depression found that these mushrooms produce four times
            better treatment outcomes than the antidepressants that are   More Information        Service Info C008
            currently in use. Although this mushroom is used in alternative
            medicine in other countries, it is important to monitor whether   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
            it will be unlocked from narcotic classification in Thailand, like  กรมพััฒนาการแพัทย์์แผนไทย์และการแพัทย์์ทางเลือกกระทรวงสาธารณสุข,
            cannabis and Kratom.                                   แผนแม่บทแห่่งชาติิว่าด้้วย์การพััฒนาสมุนไพัรไทย์ ฉบับท่� 1 พั.ศ. 2560-
                                                                   2564, สืบค้้นเมื�อวันท่� 2 มกราค้ม 2567,
            Regulations for manufacturing, importation, sale       sustainable_agri-knowledge-files-431291791818.
            or advertisement of herbal products                  พัระราชบัญญัติิผลิติภััณฑ์์สมุนไพัร พั.ศ. 2562, มาติรา 4, ราชกิจจานุเบกษา
            For anyone who wishes to operate a business related to the     เล่มท่� 136 ติอนท่� 56 ก (02 มกราค้ม 2567): น. 121, https://www.krisdi
            manufacturing, importing, or selling herbal products, the
            considerations according to the Herbal Product Act B.E. 2562
            (2019) are as follows.                               กรมส่งเสริมการเกษติร, พัืชสมุนไพัร ภัูมิปััญญาไทย์, สืบค้้นเมื�อวันท่� 2 มกราค้ม
               “Herbal products” means herbal drugs and shall also include    2567,
            Thai traditional drugs, developed herbal drugs, traditional drugs    9E%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%8A%E0% B8%AA%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8
            for use in humans under the law on drugs or drugs that are    %B8%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%A3.pdf
            derived from the knowledge of alternative medicine as   กรมสุขภัาพัจิติ, “เห่็ด้ข่�ค้วาย์” ห่น่�งในย์าเสพัติิด้ให่้โทษ ถููกจด้สิทธิบัติรรักษา
            prescribed and notified by the Minister, upon the recommendation     “โรค้ซึ่มเศร้า”, สืบค้้นเมื�อวันท่� 2 มกราค้ม 2567,
            of the Committee. It also includes products made from herbs     dmh/view.asp?id=31281
            or products of which active ingredients are herbs or are derived
            from herbs that are ready for use in humans to improve their   อาสาฬา เชาวน์เจริญ และผกากรอง ขวัญข้าว, “ฟ้้าทะลาย์โจรกับการระบาด้
            health or the function of their body, strengthen the structure or     ของโค้วิด้-19” ศูนย์์ห่ลักฐานเชิงปัระจักษ์ด้้านการแพัทย์์แผนไทย์และ
                                                                   สมุนไพัร โรงพัย์าบาลเจ้าพัระย์าอภััย์ภัูเบศร, สืบค้้นเมื�อวันท่� 2 มกราค้ม
            56   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  FEB  2024                    2567,

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