Page 51 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
P. 51


                    cleaning or cleaning solutions. If such a   return (CIPR) pipelines. A conductivity sensor (CT) will indicate the level of
                    scenario is unavoidable, cleaning solution   chemical concentration or contamination in CIPR. The pipe network will inform
                    nozzles or dispensers may be installed in   the control system or personnel about the current status before initiating the next
                    specific points or inaccessible areas, such   step. Moreover, the CT significantly reduces unnecessary water, chemical, and
                    as at impeller blades installed at the sides   energy use. On the contrary, inadequately set parameters will result in increased
                    of a tall tank, in the perimeter of the filling   waste.
                    machine where product flows from the     Most food factories employ the CIP method by setting the same parameter
                    inside to the outside. Driving chains and   values for all equipment and machinery in the facility. Although this practice may
                    conveyor belts, which have many hard-to-  enable the system to perform hygiene routines as required, it may not be the
                    access  corners  and  constantly  moving   optimum setting for each area. For instance, in places where the manufacturing
                    parts.                                process does not potentially cause fouling on the inside of machinery, using an
                      Different mounting methods are involved   acidic cleaning agent is unnecessary. In some cases, the enzymatic cleaning
                    when  machines  are  assembled  in  the   solution may be required to eliminate certain stains.
                    production line, such as piping, conveyor   The utility system is another variable that should not be overlooked, especially
                    mounting, and application and relocation   water for cleaning. High water hardness or inconsistent water quality will
                    of portable tanks or containers. Once the   continuously result in auto-generated fouling. Another potential issue is when the
                    assembly is completed, all the previously   level of microbes in water exceeds the established standards in multiple places.
                    mentioned hygiene principles must still be   This can occur in a factory not designed, built, and controlled by hygiene principles.
                    adhered to. The critical consideration is that   Such microbial presence will become the birthing point of many other unwanted
                    all areas and parts must be accessible for   microorganisms that may later contaminate products, thus leading to damage
                    cleaning. There must be no closed-off areas   such as corrosion of equipment pipelines and stainless steel parts.
                    that cleaning solutions cannot reach, and   For the food industry, adherence to the hygienic design of processing
                    drainage must be feasible in every part of   equipment and machinery from the beginning is notably an investment that is
                    the system.                           not excessively costly, especially in comparison with all other costs, ranging from
                                                          operational costs to costs per unit of production. Hygienic design is worthwhile
                    Consideration of CIP Parameters       because it can prevent equipment and system damage, market opportunity loss,
                    Based on CIP principles, there will always   and loss incurred by substandard products, all of which account for unnecessary
                    be cleaning-related variables that must   and uncontrolled costs.
                    always be adequately attended to according
                    to the parameters of equipment and
                    potential food stain or fouling: mechanical             More  Information       Service Info C007
                    action, temperature, chemical, and time.
                      The parameters determined by the
                    design still require proper operational
                    verification, in which further adjustments
                    may be needed due to changes that may
                    deviate from the fundamental data: material
                    properties, altered position of equipment
                    that may increase or decrease the height
                    of pipelines, and conveyor belts that may
                    have  reduced  radius  of  curvature.
                    Additionally, several other CIP factors are
                    involved  in  the  cleaning  operation:
                    transportation of cleaning solutions,
                    thorough distribution or dispatch of the
                    solutions  in  every  targeted  area,  and
                    drainage of post-process cleaning agents,
                    along with food stains and fouling.
                    Consequently, the transportation of cleaning
                    agents in accordance with the flow and
                    pressure rates set by the ideal design
                    principles is the first factor that must be
                    considered and addressed in accordance
                    with the design requirements.  This  is
                    because the cleaning solution carries
                    temperature and chemical factors.
                    Detection of Chemical
                    Contamination in CIP
                    Chemical contamination and residue can
                    be  easily  detected  in  CIP  because
                    dispatched cleaning solutions used in a
                    closed system will circulate and eventually
                    flow back to the point of departure via CIP

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