Page 46 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
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                 6. Ferment at 20-30 °C or room temperature in a dark   the risk of contamination from molds. The fermentation
              place. During fermentation, the microorganisms multiply and   temperature for kombucha is commonly maintained between
              form a cellulose layer or SCOBY within 2-3 days. This layer   20-30 °C. An increase in fermentation temperature leads to
              will cover the entire surface of the liquid within 10-14 days,   a faster fermentation rate, observable through a rapid
              depending on the source and composition of the SCOBY   decrease in pH and the formation of SCOBY on the surface.
              microorganisms. At this point, the pH value of the tea will   However, the fermentation temperature of 25-30 °C promotes
              decrease to around 2.0.                             the robust growth of acetic acid bacteria, while yeasts growth
                 7. Separate the SCOBY in the final stage of fermentation,   relatively limited. This results in a kombucha with higher
              and then store it in a bottle that has been sterilized and kept   acidity and lower alcohol content.
              at a low temperature (4 °C) to avoid contamination from other   The previous study showed that fermenting kombucha
              microorganisms. This helps extend the shelf life of the   at a temperature of 30 °C promoted the growth of
              product. The resulting kombucha will have a low alcohol   Gluconobacter bacteria, leading to an increased production
              content (0.5-2.5% alcohol by volume), a slightly acidic taste,   of gluconic acid and glucuronic acid. On the other hand,
              and a mild effervescence due to carbon dioxide gas.    fermenting at 25 °C helped maintain the stability of flavonoid
                                                                  compounds and enhances the enzyme inhibitory properties,
              The Kinetics of Kombucha Fermentation               such as alpha-amylase. The alpha-amylase enzyme breaks
              The fermentation process of kombucha occurs in an oxygen-  down  carbohydrates  and  is  associated  with  diabetes. 6
              rich environment and relies on the activities of various groups   However, fermenting at temperatures lower than 20 °C may
              of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria within the   result in a stuck or sluggish fermentation and the condition
              Acetobacteraceae family which are known for producing   might be vulnerable to microbial deterioration. Conversely,
              acetic acid or vinegar.  In the early stages of kombucha   too high fermentation temperatures can produce ethyl alcohol
              fermentation, yeast plays a crucial role utilizing the sugars   and highly concentrated acetic acid, affecting the aroma and
              present in the initial ingredients as an energy source. It   taste of the final product, along with accelerating oxidation
              converts  disaccharides  (such  as  sucrose)  into   reactions of polyphenol compounds.
              monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), resulting in the   Controlling the temperature in the kombucha fermentation
              production of ethanol and carbon dioxide. As the fermentation   process is crucial to ensure efficient production, production
              progresses, the group of Acetobacteraceae family capable   of high-quality kombucha, batch-to-batch reproducibility and
              of oxidizing ethanol and monosaccharides becomes    safe production.
              predominant in the later stages of fermentation. Acetic acid
              bacteria further convert sugars into acetic acid and other
              organic acids and produce cellulose fibers. A floating jelly-like
              layer covering the surface of kombucha consists of Symbiotic
              Colony of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY). The microbial          More Information        Service Info C006
              consortium in SCOBY includes Zygosaccharomyces
              Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces (yeasts), lactic acid
              bacteria and Gluconobacter and Acetobacter (bacteria). The
              Microbial compositions in SCOBY can vary depending on   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
              the ingredients and fermentation conditions. Notably, the   1   Malbaša, R., LonCar, E., DjuriC, M., & DošenoviC, I. (2008). Effect
              types of microorganisms present in SCOBY are one of crucial     of sucrose concentration on the products of Kombucha fermentation
              factors determining the aroma, taste, and health properties     on molasses. Food Chemistry, 108(3), 926-932.
              of the kombucha. 4                          
                                                                    Kitwetcharoen, H., Phung, L. T., Klanrit, P., Thanonkeo, S., Tippayawat,
                                                                    P., Yamada, M., & Thanonkeo, P. (2023). Kombucha Healthy Drink-
              Temperature: Key Factor Influencing Kombucha          Recent Advances in Production, Chemical Composition and Health
              Fermentation                                          Benefits. Fermentation, 9(1), 48.
              Controlling the temperature during fermentation is crucial for     5637/9/1/48
                                                                     De Filippis, F., Troise, A. D., Vitaglione, P., & Ercolini, D. (2018).
              the efficiency and quality of the kombucha. Microorganisms     Different temperatures select distinctive acetic acid bacteria species
              in kombucha varies greatly with fermentation temperature.     and promotes organic acids production during Kombucha tea
              For instance, the optimal temperature for the growth of acetic     fermentation. Food Microbiology, 73, 11-16.
              acid bacteria is 25 to 30 °C, whereas yeasts, especially non-    org/10.1016/
                                                                    Dufresne, C., & Farnworth, E. (2000). Tea, Kombucha, and health: a
              Saccharomyces yeasts, has lower optimum temperature. 5     review. Food Research International, 33(6), 409-421.
              Therefore, different fermentation temperatures affect
              significantly the growth rate, proportions, and quantities of   5   Liszkowska, W., & Berlowska, J. (2021). Yeast Fermentation at Low
              microorganisms in each strain. Additionally, it affects the     Temperatures: Adaptation to Changing Environmental Conditions and
              enzyme activity and the products resulting from the metabolic     Formation of Volatile Compounds. Molecules, 26(4). https://doi.
              processes of microorganisms. These factors collectively     org/10.3390/molecules26041035
                                                                    Aung, T., & Eun, J.-B. (2021). Production and characterization of a
              influence the quality and consistency of kombucha.     novel beverage from laver (Porphyra dentata) through fermentation
              Temperature also plays a vital role in the safety of kombucha,     with kombucha consortium. Food Chemistry, 350, 129274. https://doi.
              as inappropriate fermentation temperatures may increase     org/
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