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              aspects: fragrance/aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body,   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
              balance, uniformity, clean cup, sweetness, and overall.   Akıllıoglu, H. G., and Gökmen, V. (2014). Mitigation of acrylamide
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              an evaluation model to compare coffee quality through cupping.     tation. Food Research International, 61, 252-256.
              They  can  be  used,  for  example,  for  quality  specification,   Anese, M., Nicoli, M. C., Verardo, G., Munari, M., Mirolo, G., &
              prescription of coffee beans’ shelf life, and detection of quality
              changes in acrylamide-reduced coffee. Research can be      Bortolomeazzi, R. (2014). Effect of vacuum roasting on acryl
              conducted in combination with analysis of main volatile     amide formation and reduction in coffee beans. Food Chem
              compounds, such as alcohol, ketone, pyridine, pyrazine, furan,     istry, 145, 168-172.
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              Higher Global Market Share                               El-Zakhem, N.G., Merhi, A., Abboud, M. I., Mroueh, M., & Taleb,
              According to a market analysis of specialty coffee shops, the     R. I. (2018). Carcinogenic and neurotoxic risks of acrylamide
              market size of specialty coffee is expected to expand by 7.43     consumed through caffeinated beverages among the Leba
              percent on average in 2023-2027, while the market value is     nese population. Chemosphere, 208, 352-357.
              projected to rise by USD 39.17 billion. The growth of specialty    EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM)
              coffee in these past years has motivated coffee entrepreneurs     Scientific Opinion on Acrylamide in Food. EFSA J. 2015;13:
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              through stories associated with, for instance, coffee varieties   Barahona, I., Sanmiguel Jaimes, E. M., & Yang, J. B. (2020).
              or flavors, which are another major factor because they involve     Sensory attributes of coffee beverages and their relation to
              the first sensory perception when consumers come into contact     price and package information: A case study of Colombian
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              revealed that coffee flavor had more influence on the behaviors   Mutia, R., Aswadi, K., Mardhani, M., Nasir, N., Rizka, R., &
              and played a more important role in customers’ decision-making     Zulfikar, Z. (2022). DO THE PRICE AND TASTE MATTER TO
              process than price (Mutia et al., 2022). Meanwhile, coffee aroma     COFFEE DRINKERS?. Journal Mahasiswa Akuntansi
              influences consumers’ buying decisions in Colombia (Barahona     Samudra, 3(3), 145-149.
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              unique coffee aromas such as fruity and floral. This type of     Technology, 4(5), 661-672.
              coffee is grouped in the high-price category thanks to higher   Naous, G. E. Z., Merhi, A., Abboud, M. I., Mroueh, M., & Taleb,
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              undergone the acrylamide-reduction process. According to     consumed through caffeinated beverages among the
              studies, coffee prices will increase proportionately to the quality     Lebanese population. Chemosphere, 208, 352-357.
              of coffee breeds and flavors. The price of fruity coffee increases   Porto, A. C. V., Freitas-Silva, O., Souza, E. F. D., & Gottschalk,
              by 40.32 percent, while those of citrus and floral aromas rise     L. M. F. (2019). Effect of Asparaginase enzyme in the reduc
              by 40.32 and 6.87 percent, respectively (Traore et al., 2018).    tion of asparagine in green coffee. Beverages, 5(2), 32.
                 In conclusion, if academic research data are applied in   Soares, C. M. D., Alves, R. C., & Oliveira, M. B. P. P. (2015).
              conjunction with laws governing toxic substances in coffee and     Factors Affecting Acrylamide Levels in Coffee Beverages.
              if flavors and tastes are assessed to ensure good coffee
              standards, these efforts will pave the way to the advent of novel     217-224.
              safety standards for Thai coffee, which will then align with   Specialty Coffee Association of America (2009). SCAA Protocols
              international standards and feature sensory properties that are     Cupping Specialty Coffee.
              deemed internationally acceptable, especially by the European   Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). (2016).
              economies that have the world’s highest coffee consumption     “Specialty Coffee Facts and Figures in the USA.” Internet site:
              rate as well as the highest coffee market value. Therefore, using
              these data by entrepreneurs is also a way to promote awareness   Traore, T.M., Wilson, N.L.W. and Fields, D. (2018). What explains
              of food safety and help a wide range of consumers become     specialty coffee quality scores and prices: a case study from
              more aware of acrylamide toxicity. In addition, it will also create     the cup of excellence program. Journal of Agricultural and
              selling points and enhance various standards, which will     Applied Economics. 2018, 1-20.
              sharpen the industry’s competitive edge and ability to reach out   Xu, F., Oruna-Concha, M. J., & Elmore, J. S. (2016). The use of
              to new clients who adore coffee with distinctive characteristics     asparaginase to reduce acrylamide levels in cooked food.
              and are health-conscious customers. In the future, it will     Food Chemistry, 210, 163-171.
              eventually lead to changes in law standards in Thailand, improve   ข้้อมููลมููลค่่าตลาด:
              the country’s competitiveness, and increase the market share     ty-coffee-shops-market-size-industry-analysis WHO 2005:
              of Thai coffee in the global market.              jecfadata
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