Page 41 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
P. 41


                        One agency that has constantly been focusing on the   polysaccharides, which consist of 0.2-0.5 percent of
                     risk of acrylamide contamination in food and has played an   monosaccharides such as fructose, glucose, galactose, and
                     active role in establishing national reference levels is the   arabinose, 3-7 percent of oligosaccharides such as sucrose,
                     European Commission (EC). In 2013, the EU regulation EC   raffinose, and stachyose, and 34-44 percent of insoluble
                     (2013/647/EU) concerning the levels of acrylamide in food   polysaccharides (Mussatto et al., 2011). The analytical data
                     stipulated that the reference levels of acrylamide for roasted   regarding the correlation between sugar and acrylamide levels
                     and instant coffee should not exceed 450 µg/kg and 900       in coffee are still limited. However, there are some potential
                     µg/kg, respectively. During 2017-2018, however, these limits   studies on the correlation between changes in sugar levels
                     were lowered by EC (2017/2151/EU) to 400 µg/kg for roasted   and acrylamide. Most studies and analyses concerning sugar
                     coffee and 850 µg/kg for instant coffee (EC, 2018). This   levels have used ethanol solution with 50-80% concentration
                     updated regulation has since been used as one of the EU’s   to extract sugar from the samples.
                     food standards. Notably, in just 5 years, the EU has become   The authors’ study on the combined effects of using ethanol
                     more stringent towards controlling acrylamide in food by   to extract sugar and asparaginase to reduce acrylamide
                     forcing the reference values down by 11 percent, and it will   showed that combining these two methods could reduce
                     possibly be even stricter in the future.            acrylamide  by  70-90  percent  in  experimental  conditions.
                        In addition, acrylamide has become the center of debate   Ethanol was found to have a specific effect on the production
                     in some regions. In California, USA, for instance, an eight-  and improvement of coffee flavors, which adopted more unique
                     year lawsuit (from 2010 to 2018) involved some regulatory   characteristics than those of the control group. However, coffee
                     measures that mandated compulsory warning of the potential   flavor and quality indicators must be employed to measure
                     danger of acrylamide, which can be found in processed   whether there are positive changes in these qualities after
                     coffee (El-Zakhem et al., 2018), be included in labeling.          coffee beans undergo acrylamide-reduction processes. This
                     As a result, all commercial coffee brands in the USA, including   can be done by analyzing the changes in coffee flavor via
                     Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, and approximately   standard coffee tests, such as cupping, conducted by coffee
                     90 other brands, were categorized as brands that offered   associations or the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA).
                     coffee containing carcinogenic acrylamide under the state
                     laws of California. These brands were deemed negligent   Quality Assessment  of  Roasted  Coffee  with
                     towards consumer safety as they did not declare the potential   Characteristics Established by SCA
                     risks of said substance in their product labels. Moreover,   The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a non-profit
                     they failed to prove that their coffees were free from   organization whose members range from coffee growers to
                     acrylamide-related harm. Some opined that coffee producers   baristas and roasters from all over the world, including those
                     should preferably try to eliminate acrylamide from their coffee-  in the entire coffee chain. SCA must compile know-how of the
                     roasting process, which would be more beneficial than putting   specialty coffee industry and improve international coffee
                     warning labels on their products. Nevertheless, according   standards worldwide. SCA establishes empirical, quantitative
                     to the report from CBS News in 2018, the court’s verdict   measurement standards that set values and value ranges for
                     mandated that Starbucks and other coffee brands in   coffee, which will be assessed from beans and processes to
                     California put up a warning on their coffee cups to inform   water used for brewing or coffee making. Specialty coffee
                     consumers about this carcinogenic substance, a solution   beans must pass the cupping test, which evaluates their
                     similar to the warnings found on cigarettes.        respective  properties  through  bean  selection,  grinding,
                                                                         distillation, and brewing. Specialty coffee has pleasant and
                     Methods to Reduce Acrylamide in Coffee              stable tastes and is assessed by cuppers or Q graders, who
                     In the past few years, several studies on the reduction of   can certify that the coffee has undergone a high-quality process
                     acrylamide in coffee have been conducted. For instance,   and passed the tests regarding coffee bean production, quality
                     acrylamide in roasted coffee beans could be extracted   control, aroma, color, and taste. The overall score of a special
                     through the Supercritical CO  technique, which could reduce   coffee must exceed 80 out of 100 and pass all 10 assessment
                     acrylamide by 79 percent (Banchero et al., 2013), and
                     vacuum roasting also pushed acrylamide levels down by 50
                     percent (Anese et al., 2014). Additionally, the fermentation
                     of S. cerevisiae was found to reduce acrylamide in instant
                     coffee by 70 percent. (Akıllıoglu and Gökmen, 2014). One
                     of the most popular techniques is the reduction of acrylamide
                     precursors using asparaginase – an enzyme that is produced
                     by Aspergillus niger mold and can be used for hydrolysis of
                     asparagine amino acid, which is an acrylamide precursor
                     formed during roasting process. This technique effectively
                     decreased acrylamide in coffee beans by 10-45 percent
                     (Banchero et al., 2013) and 69-86 percent (Porto et al., 2019).
                        Nonetheless,  the  techniques’  effects  on  acrylamide
                     depend on the relationship levels between acrylamide and
                     its precursors.  Several reports  show that acrylamide
                     formation in cereals, such as rye and wheat, is proportional
                     to the amounts of asparagine amino acid, while sugar
                     concentration is proportionally associated with the intensity
                     of acrylamide formation in potato samples (Xu et al., 2016).
                     On average, coffee beans contain 50 percent of

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