Page 39 - FoodFocusThailand No.216 MARCH 2024
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8.2 grams, constituting about 37% of the total energy in the The Growth of Low-Fat Animal Products for Health
product. Table 1 demonstrates that using microcrystalline Market
cellulose gel at 10% as a fat substitute did not adversely affect Despite having few producers in Thailand due to their higher
the quality of the products in terms of color, flavor, texture, prices compared to regular products, low-fat animal products
taste, and appearance. are gaining traction globally. The global market overview in 2023
revealed that the low-fat animal product category reached a
Guidelines for Using Konjac Powder to Develop value of 9.5 billion US dollars. Projections indicate a promising
Low-Fat Isaan Sausage Formulations future, with an average annual growth rate of 4.6% expected in
Isaan sausage is a beloved product among Thai consumers, various international markets (North America, Europe, Asia-
and konjac powder offers a promising solution for reducing Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa) from 2023
the fat content of this traditional delicacy. Derived from the to 2034. This trend is particularly pronounced in countries like
konjac plant, konjac powder is a complex carbohydrate Canada, Germany, and Japan, as consumers increasingly
composed of indigestible glucomannan fibers. To effectively prioritize health. Furthermore, there is a notable shift towards
replace pork back fat in sausage formulations, konjac powder health-oriented products in international markets, including
must first be prepared as a gel and ground into small particles, antibiotic-free meat and products avoiding certain food additives
as shown in Figure 1. Generally, the production process for like nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, flavor enhancers, and
these sausages typically involves a 3-day period of colorants, reflecting growing consumer concerns about wellness.
fermentation and drying. If the konjac gel is excessive added, Thailand is recognized as one of the world’s leading food
the product will become more shrink. Based on that, a producers, presenting a significant opportunity to develop low-
recommended ratio of 15% konjac gel (mixed with 15% pork fat or reduced-fat animal products to meet market demands.
back fat) results in a product closely resembling the shrinkage, This aligns with the increasing trend of consumers worldwide
texture, and appearance of the standard recipe, which prioritizing health and wellness.
typically consists of 30% pork back fat (as depicted in Figure
2). Furthermore, incorporating konjac gel at this ratio reduces
the fat content in Isaan sausage products by 46% and
decreases the total energy content by 32% compared to the
traditional formula (as outlined in Table 2). More Information Service Info C003
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