Page 69 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 69


 Addressing Evolving Needs:  regulations  regarding  food  contact  materials  and
                        The European Union has continuously revised
                     packaging, with a significant focus on plastics. This is
 Updating Food Packaging   driven by the intricate nature of plastics, which
                     encompass diverse chemical compositions and the
                     incorporation of additives tailored for specific
                     applications. Previously, several directives addressed
 Regulations Globally  different aspects of food contact safety, such as

                     Directive 2002/72/EC (Monomers Additives), Directive
                     85/572/EC (List of Simulants), Directive 82/711/EEC
                     (Migration Testing), Directive 80/766/EEC (Vinyl
                     Chloride in PVC Analysis), Directive 81/432/EEC (Vinyl
                     Chloride in Food Analysis), and Regulation (EC) No.
                     1895/2005 (Epoxy Derivatives BADGE/BFDOE/
                     NOGE). But now these directives were consolidated
                     into a unified regulation, Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011,
                     in 2011. Since then, there have been ongoing
                     amendments to this regulation almost every year,
                     including cancellations, modifications, and additions of
                     text, additional listings, and acceptance criteria for   Additionally, Germany has developed regulations for product
                     various chemical substances allowed in food contact   packaging ordered online. Italy mandates that manufacturers
                     plastics. As of August 2023, it has been updated 17   provide consumers with information on the material and life cycle
                     times. These revisions reflect new research on the   of packaging to encourage reuse and recycling, along with
                     potential health risks of chemicals migrating from food   imposing a Plastic Packaging Tax of 450 euros per ton, exempting
                     contact plastics. Given these ongoing revisions,   recycled, compostable, or biodegradable plastics. The United
                     stakeholders in the food packaging industry, especially   Kingdom requires importers of plastic packaging exceeding 10
                     those in the plastic packaging sector, need to comply   tons to pay £200 per ton, with exemptions for packages containing
                     with Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 to ensure compliance   over 30 percent recycled plastic.
                     with the overarching framework provided by Regulation
                     (EC) No. 1935/2004 on the safety of food contact   Changes in food packaging laws in the United
                     materials.                                      States of America
                        Recycled plastics are also closely monitored due   The United States has seen an expansion of Extended Producer
                     to the plastic waste crisis, prompting targeted efforts   Responsibility (EPR) and growing awareness of PFAS substances,
                     to promote increased recycling in plastic packaging.   both of which are significant factors driving regulatory enforcement,
                     Measures include reducing packaging usage, designing   especially regarding plastic packaging, in addition to existing
                     materials only as necessary, promoting reuse, and   regulations on food contact materials.
                     boosting the proportion of recycled materials, aligning   A 2023 PMMI Business Intelligence report titled “Sustainability
                     with  Packaging  and  Packaging  Waste  Directive              and Technology: The Future of Packaging and Printing” found
                     92/62/EEC. This directive has been continuously   that two-thirds of US manufacturers using packaging are still in
                     developed, advocating for the reduction of single-use   the early stages of adopting extended producer responsibility
                     plastics (SUP) through Directive (EU) 2019/904 and   (EPR) within their operations. The report also highlights concerns
                     the utilization of plastics after their initial use through   raised by businesses regarding the clarity of measures supporting
                     Post Consumer Recycling Plastic (PCR Plastic),   the display of recyclable and biodegradable symbols on
                     announced  by  Regulation  (EC)  No.  282/2008                      packaging. Clear guidelines are needed for practical
                     and subsequently revised to Regulation (EC) No.   implementation.
                     2022/1616.                                         To promote EPR, several strategies can be implemented,
                        At the national level, members of the European   similar to those adopted by the European Union. These include
                     Union have enacted specific legislation to regulate food   setting  the  minimum  recycled  content,  reducing  the  use  of
                     packaging. For example, France has announced a ban   unrecyclable materials, implementing a tax on virgin plastic resin,
                     on plastic bags for packaging certain vegetables and   and establishing a bottle deposit return system to encourage
                     fruits, encompassing 30 types, and aims to achieve   recycling. Additionally, promoting social and consumer
                     100 percent plastic circulation by 2025 by promoting   responsibility among product manufacturers can be achieved
                     the use of biodegradable alternatives. Meanwhile,   through regulations focused on safety. Examples include
                     Germany has enforced a deposit system for beverage   prohibiting the use of harmful chemicals in food packaging, such
                     packaging, including plastic bottles and metal cans,   as ortho-phthalates, all PFAS, bisphenols and related compounds,
                     since 2022, with dairy products included since 2024.   styrene, and antimony trioxide.

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