Page 70 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
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                                                                  gradually adapting their own food packaging regulations to
                                                                  align with those of the EU and US. This trend is driven by
                                                                  the fact that a significant portion of Asian countries rely on
                                                                  exporting food products to these major markets. As a result,
                                                                  staying up-to-date with EU and US regulations becomes
                                                                  crucial for Asian exporters. Here’s a closer look at the key
                                                                  changes driving this regulatory shift:
                                                                     • Indonesia has amended its food packaging laws, with
                                                                  the draft version being published in December 2023.
                                                                     • Singapore introduced a deposit system for beverage
                                                                  packaging in March 2023, which will come into effect in April
                                                                  2025. Additionally, there has been a review of laws supporting
                                                                  sustainable materials, including the imposition of fees for
                                                                  plastic bags. This draft law was submitted to the parliament
                                                                  for consideration in February 2023.
                                                                     • The Philippines began pushing legislation regarding
                                                                  food  contact  materials  in  February  2023,  starting  with
                                                                  voluntary compliance.
                                                                     • Vietnam started supporting knowledge dissemination
                                                                  on recycling and its environmental impacts to accommodate
                                                                  packaging waste management and the concept of producer
                                                                  responsibility expansion in December 2022.
                       ภาพที่่� 1 ตััวอย่่างผลิิตัภััณฑ์์ที่่�มี่การใช้้งาน PFAS  • Hong Kong has announced amendments to food
                      Figure 1 Example of PFAS Utilization Products  packaging laws to support recycling and waste management,
                                                                  as well as environmental responsibility, effective December
                                                                  2023, with provisions for plastic bag fees and implementing
                 Similarly, the toxicity of PFAS substances, chemicals,   producer responsibility schemes for glass packaging starting
              and other additives poses a significant concern for   June 2023.
              consumers. PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,   • Taiwan  revised  its  health  laws  regarding  certain
              comprise a group of chemicals widely used in various   consumer goods, containers, and food packaging in August
              manufacturing industries (as shown in Figure 1). Despite   2023 and drafted legislation on polystyrene packaging in
              their utility, these chemicals are known to be persistent and   December 2021.
              are dubbed “forever chemicals,” which means they can reside   • India has set acceptance limits for the dispersion of
              in the environment long after use, potentially contaminating   lead and DEHP in food contact materials in August 2022.
              water sources. Consequently, there is a risk of PFAS entering   • China  announced the enforcement of national
              the human food chain. Following campaigns and the   standards for paper, bamboo, and wood food contact
              provision of risk and health impact information about PFAS   materials in July 2022.
              substances since 2020, most manufacturers of paper-based   • As  for  Thailand, there have been updates to the
              food packaging in the United States have voluntarily   regulatory standards related to food contact paper materials
              discontinued the distribution of materials coated with PFAS   in April 2021 by the Ministry of Public Health (Version 435)
              compounds. On February 28, 2024, the US FDA announced   in June 2022. This includes a review of the criteria for
              that food-contact paper with PFAS substances would no   allowable chemical substances and their thresholds in food
              longer placed on the market in the United States.   contact materials, particularly plastic containers, and allows
                 As of March 2024, several U.S. states have enacted laws   for the use of recycled plastics in materials that come into
              to address the safety of chemicals and additives in food   contact with food.
              packaging. Six states —New York, California, Washington,
              Colorado,  Maryland,  and  Hawaii—have  implemented
              regulations specifically for fiber-based food contact materials.
              Other states, including Vermont, Connecticut, Minnesota,    More Information        Service Info C009
              Rhode Island, Oregon, and Maine, have enacted broader
              laws encompassing all types of food contact materials, while
              some states, such as Illinois and Massachusetts, are still   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
              developing their legal frameworks in this area.
              Changes in food packaging laws in Asia      
              The evolving regulations and rules surrounding food
              packaging in the European Union (EU) and the United States
              (US) have a ripple effect, influencing countries in Asia. To     PDF
              maintain smooth trade relations, many Asian countries are

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