Page 30 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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            Benefits of Implementing AI Systems in the Food          From the benefits of AI technology in poultry processing
            Industry                                            as mentioned above, examples of automated machinery and
               1. Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Production  AI systems are provided as guidelines to increase production
            Processes: AI technology is utilized to detect abnormalities  capacity in poultry processing plants, such as:
            in food production, processing, and distribution processes to   - Automatic Bone Separation Machine: Utilizing sensor
            ensure products meet safety standards. Additionally, applying  systems combined with blades to separate bones from chicken
            AI systems in automated food production and processing  meat, thereby increasing speed and accuracy in production
            processes enhances efficiency and reduces labor costs.   and reducing product losses.
               2. Improving Supply Chain Efficiency: Big data analysis   - Automated Meat Cutting Machine: Using computer-
            enables businesses to extract deep insights for market demand  controlled systems to control blades for cutting chicken meat
            prediction, including consumer behaviors and preferences.  into various shapes and sizes as required, ensuring product
            This allows food manufacturers to develop products and  uniformity.
            marketing  strategies  aligned  with  consumer  needs,  thus   - Automatic Packaging Machine: Incorporating conveyor
            reducing losses from overproduction.                systems and robotics to package processed chicken into trays
               3. Increasing Agricultural Productivity: AI systems and  or other packaging automatically, increasing packaging speed,
            big data can be leveraged to enhance agricultural productivity  reducing labor, and enhancing hygiene in production.
            by reducing water and fertilizer usage and predicting weather   - Quality Inspection System with Imaging: Employing
            conditions. This leads to the development of sustainable  cameras and AI algorithms to identify and segregate defective
            agricultural and food systems.                      or foreign objects that are potentially hazardous.
                                                                   - Predictive Maintenance System: Utilizing sensors and
            Limitations of AI Technology in the Food Industry   machine usage history data to analyze equipment readiness,
            Despite the benefits of AI and big data analytics in the food   enabling producers to anticipate and schedule maintenance,
            industry, there are several challenges and limitations that users   reducing downtime, and improving machinery efficiency.
            must consider:                                         -  Production  Efficiency  Enhancement  System:
               1. Data Quality and Integration: Due to the abundance   AI algorithms can record production data in real-time and identify
            of documents and records in food production facilities following   problematic or delayed production areas, allowing producers
            daily operational standards, collecting and processing data   to pinpoint process improvements more effectively.
            accurately poses a significant challenge.              Standards and safety in the production process are
               2. Cybersecurity:  Cyberattacks on food production   paramount concerns for food producers. Elevating production
            facilities can have significant impacts on food safety and the   quality using AI-driven and automated systems is a promising
            economy. Therefore, food  producers  should implement   option to mitigate contamination risks, reduce labor, increase
            stringent cybersecurity measures.                   production efficiency, and create market opportunities for
               3. Regulatory Framework: Regulatory frameworks for AI   businesses.  However,  every  opportunity  comes  with  its
            technology and big data in the food industry are still under   challenges, be it in terms of investment return or even
            development and require constant clarification from   cybersecurity. Therefore,  entrepreneurs  should  carefully
            stakeholders.                                       consider the suitability and cost-effectiveness of integrating AI
               4. Public Acceptance: The general public may have   technology  into  automated  production  processes  before
            concerns about the use of AI and big data in the food industry.   investing.
            Therefore, businesses need to build trust to gain public
            Case Study: Application Guidelines of AI Systems
            in Poultry Processing Plants                                   More Information        Service Info C001
            Automated production and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems
            are revolutionizing poultry processing by integrating AI   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
            technology with automated machinery to enhance processing   -  สุุวััฒน์์ เณรโต, สุุขุุม โฆษิิตชััยมงคล, มน์ตรี พิิพิัฒน์์ไพิบููลย์, จััน์ทิิมา ลาภสุ่งผล,
            efficiency and reduce production losses. Automated and AI     พิรพิิมล เกษิมสุุขุไพิศาล, 2556, “การปรับูปรุงผังโรงงาน์เพิ่�อเพิิ�มประสุิทิธิิภาพิ
            systems play a vital role in increasing the production capacity     การผลิตเคร่�องใน์ไก่”, การประชัุมวัิชัาการขุ่ายงาน์วัิศวักรรมอุตสุาหการ
            of poultry processing plants, including:                ประจัำาปี พิ.ศ. 2556 16-18 ตุลาคม 2556, พิัทิยา ชัลบูุรี http://www.dms.
               1. Automated Production Line Systems: Automated
            production  processes  ensure  continuous  production  by   -  W. Lawilo, A. Chaikaew, E. Boonchieng and S. Osiriphun, “Database
            integrating AI and automated systems into various stages in     System Development for Food Safety Management of UHT Milk at
            the plant, such as deboning, cutting, and packaging, to reduce     Chiangmai Fresh Milk Factory Using Blockchain Technology,” 2023
            errors  caused  by  human  intervention  and  increase  the     27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference
            production rate of processed poultry.                   (ICSEC), Samui Island, Thailand, 2023, pp. 477-480, doi: 10.1109/
               2. Quality Control and Inspection: Utilizing AI systems     ICSEC59635.2023.10329660.
            for quality control and inspection helps identify and rectify   -   Ding H, Tian J, Yu W, Wilson DI, Young BR, Cui X, Xin X, Wang Z, Li
            various issues that may arise during processing, ensuring that     W. The Application of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in the Food
            the final products meet standards. For instance, using cameras     Industry. Foods. 2023 Dec 18;12(24):4511. doi: 10.3390/
            and sensors to detect abnormalities and defects in the final
            products.                                               foods12244511. PMID: 38137314; PMCID: PMC10742996. https://
               3. Data  Analysis and Predictive Maintenance:
            Implementing  data  analysis  and  predictive  maintenance   -   Mavani, N.R., Ali, J.M., Othman, S. et al. Application of Artificial
            techniques with AI systems helps anticipate potential issues     Intelligence in Food Industry—a Guideline. Food Eng Rev 14, 134–175
            in advance. For example, using sensors and software systems     (2022). https://link.
            to gather and analyze data for overall machinery efficiency
            improvement.                                          -  ขุ่าวัเด่่น์ประจัำาสุัปด่าห์จัากสุาธิารณประชัาชัน์จัีน์ วััน์ทิี� 4-10 กัน์ยายน์ 2566
                                                                    โด่ยสุำาน์ักงาน์สุ่งเสุริมการค้าใน์ต่างประเทิศ ณ น์ครเฉิิงตู
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