Page 37 - FoodFocusThailand No.220 July 2024
P. 37


                     impart natural flavoring properties. The   arginine, and histidine, along with plant-based proteins sourced from chickpeas,
                     grinding and sieving processes induce   soybeans, yeast extracts, and plant extracts, to reduce reliance on salt and
                     partial denaturation of polypeptide chains   phosphate additives. Furthermore, there is a growing focus on formulating natural
                     in ossein, thereby enhancing the water   colorants such as beetroot, parsley, spinach, or chitosan powders to decrease or
                     and fat retention capacities of sausages,   replace the usage of sodium nitrite. Today’s consumers are increasingly seeking
                     improving emulsion stability, reducing   healthier meat options without compromising on taste, texture, or environmental
                     water loss during cooking, and resulting   sustainability. Meeting these expectations poses a significant challenge,
                     in smoother, denser, and more appealing   necessitating collaborative efforts between scientists and the meat industry to
                     textures compared to traditional    innovate and deliver products that effectively meet consumer demands.

                     Next step of Non-meat                               More Information        Service Info C004
                     Meat  scientists  and  technologists
                     continue to develop novel formulations
                     for non-meat ingredients, aligning with
                     evolving health trends. These efforts
                     include  substituting animal-based
                     saturated fats with healthier alternatives
                     like DHA or EPA, leveraging hydrocolloid
                     fibers as meat extenders to enhance
                     texture  and  water  retention  while
                     increasing dietary fiber content, and
                     incorporating amino acids such as lysine,

                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     Erem S, Razzaque MS. Dietary phosphate
                       toxicity: an emerging global health concern.
                     Histochem Cell Biol. 2018, 150(6):711-719.
                       doi: 10.1007/s00418-018-1711-8.
                     Sebranek J. An Overview of Functional Non-
                       Meat Ingredients in Meat Processing: The
                       Current Toolbox. 2015. https://dr.lib.iastate.
                     Srimarut Y. et al. Bovine ossein powder: effect
                       of particle size on its physicochemical and
                       functional characteristics and its applica
                       tion in emulsion‐type sausage. Interna
                       tional Journal of Food Science & Techno-
                       logy. 2021. 56(8):3970-8.
                     U-Chupaj J. et al. Influence of non-phosphate
                       and low-sodium salt marination in combi
                       nation with tumbling process on properties
                       of chicken breast meat affected by white
                       striping abnormality. J Food Sci. 2021.
                       86(2):319-326. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.
                     U-Chupaj J. et al. Effect of tumbling marination
                       on marinade uptake of chicken carcass and
                       parts quality. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia
                       Avicola. 2017 Jan 1;19(1):61-8.
                     Vasconcelos et al. Novel approaches to
                        improve meat products’ healthy character
                       istics: a review on lipids, salts, and nitrites.
                       Foods 2023,, 12, 2962.

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