Page 38 - FoodFocusThailand No.221 August 2024
P. 38


                                                                            Research Center and the Faculty of Agro-
                                                                            industry, Chiang Mai University, to embark on a
                                                                            research and development project to create
                                                                            novel edible films that better meet consumers’
                                                                            daily needs. For instance, an edible film can be
                                                                            synthesized using carboxymethyl cellulose
                                                                            (CMC), a polysaccharide biopolymer produced
                                                                            from  agricultural  waste  such  as  rice  straw,
                                                                            bagasse, corn husk, hemp husk, or hemp shive,
                                                                            combined with protein-based biopolymers like
                                                                            soy  or  rice protein. In this  formulation,  the
                                                                            addition of dialdehyde carboxymethylcellulose
                                                                            (DCMC), a polymer crosslinking agent made
                                                                            from rice straw pulp (Figure 1), helps crosslink
               ภาพที่่� 2  ฟิิล์์มบริิโภคได้้จากพืืช หมายเล์ขคำาขออนุุสิิทธิิบัตริเล์ขท่� 2303000866  the polysaccharide with the protein. This results
               Figure 2 Plant-based edible film, Petty Patent Application No. 2303000866  in a thermally sealable, plant-based edible film
                                                                            with high water solubility, oil barrier capacity, and
                 1) Polysaccharide film is hydrophilic and exhibits high swelling and
              gelatinization capacity when exposed to moisture. While it is unsuitable
              as a moisture barrier, it is commonly used as a food surface coating to
              slow down moisture loss.
                 2) Protein films and their properties vary depending on the original
              or modified structure of the proteins used during their production.
              Mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic treatments, along with the use of
              cross-linking agents, can enhance the film’s mechanical, thermal, and
              vapor barrier properties.
                 3) Lipid film, produced from natural wax or surfactants, is characterized
              by its effective barrier properties against moisture. It helps to block
              moisture transmission and prevent moisture loss. When coated on the
              surface of fruits or food products that need extended storage, it can also
              reduce friction and prevent bruising.

              Prospects for Plant-based Edible Film Development
              As previously mentioned, biopolymers have various advantages and   ภาพที่่� 3  ฟิิล์์มบริิโภคได้้จากพืืชท่�นุำาไปใช้บริริจุเคริื�องปริุงริสิ
              disadvantages, making them suitable as the main components of a wide      บะหม่�ก่�งสิำาเริ็จริูปแล์ะสิามาริถล์ะล์ายได้้ในุนุำ�าริ้อนุ
              range of edible films and packaging designed to address diverse functional      ท่�อุณหภูมิมากกว่่า 80 °C
              needs. The edible packaging market is projected to grow significantly,   Figure 3 Instant noodle seasoning sachets made from
                                                                                    plant-based edible film that can dissolve in

              with its value expected to increase fourfold from USD 1.10 billion in 2023      hot water above 80  C
              to USD 4.18 billion by 2033, representing a 10-year CAGR of 14.31% .
              This promising forecast has prompted a research team at the Lanna Rice   The properties of the edible film enable it to
                                                                             serve as a container for instant noodle
                                                                             seasoning powder, tea powder, coffee powder,
                                                                             or other liquids, as it completely dissolves in
                                                                             both cold and hot water. Specifically, the film
                                                                             dissolves fully in water above 80°C within 2
                                                                             minutes. Its high safety standards and
                                                                             environmental  sustainability  make  it  a
                                                                             noteworthy example of “Eco-friendly packaging,”
                                                                             deserving  of  attention  in  the  foreseeable

                                                                             เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
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