Page 33 - FoodFocusThailand No.221 August 2024
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                    atmosphere (70% nitrogen and 30% carbon dioxide) that can   packaging. According to Allied Market Research, the value of
                    slow down spoilage, oxidation, and changes in color and   the global market for antimicrobial or antiviral coatings was
                    texture of products. This effect is achieved by slowing down   USD 10.3 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand to USD
                    the growth of Total Viable Counts (TVC), Lactic Acid Bacteria   17.9 billion by 2031, indicating a 5.6% compound annual growth
                    (LAB), and Brochothrix thermosphacta in compliance with EU   rate (CAGR) between 2022 and 2031. In addition, according
                    regulations (Figure 2). Furthermore, as with the advancement   to the Food Intelligence Center, the edible packaging market
                    of technology, the “electrospinning” technique is used in   is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 14.31% between 2023 and
                    combination with natural active substances to develop more   2033 or quadruple in value over the next ten years. Extensive
                    efficient packaging materials. However, the type of material,   food and beverage producers seeking edible packaging to
                    the mechanism of the active substance, and the production   apply to their products and entrepreneurs starting to design
                    methods affect the packaging’s quality and antimicrobial   edible packaging to fulfill customer needs are driving this growth
                    efficacy.                                            trend in the active and edible packaging market.
                       Several countries have also implemented active packaging   When considering various dimensions in terms of popularity,
                    in their food industries. For example, using natural extracts   market value, and environmental sustainability, the use of
                    and a unique film extends the shelf life and reduces the   natural active substances in packaging merits promotion to the
                    requirement for preservatives in Big Fork sausage products.   industrial level and ongoing commercial development along
                    StePac has collaborated with exporters from Peru and Chile   with ongoing development to push the boundaries in the
                    to develop an active packaging called Xtend in order to   production of active and edible packaging. This is to improve
                    optimize oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and enable the   the efficiency of packaging materials, enhance safety, and
                    export of blueberries to the Chinese market while preserving   lower costs to make them more competitive with other synthetic
                    freshness for up to 35 days.                         packaging.
                       Edible packaging
                       Most edible packaging is made from biopolymers such as
                    polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. Figure 3 illustrates the
                    two primary forms of edible packaging: films and coatings,
                    each with a unique production process. Seaweed extracts       More Information        Service Info C002
                    have recently attracted attention for development into edible
                    packaging due to their high content of biological substances
                    like polysaccharides (alginate, laminarin, and fucoidan),   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                    proteins (phycobiliproteins), minerals, vitamins, unsaturated   กรมควบคุมมลพิิษ. (2563). Roadmap การจััดการขยะพิลาสติิก พิ.ศ. 2561-
                    essential fatty acids, polyphenols (phlorotannin and     2573 [ออนไลน์].
                    bromophenols), carotenoids (fucoxanthin and astaxanthin),     pcdnew-2020-05-27_06-47-53_174751.pdf.
                    tocopherols, antioxidants, and antimicrobial substances. The   ศูนย์อัจัฉริยะเพิ่�ออุติสาหกรรม. (2566). บรรจัุภััณฑ์์กินได้..นวัติกรรมเพิ่�อโลก
                    properties of seaweed depend on the extraction processes.     [ออนไลน์].
                    Algae polysaccharides can be used to create biodegradable,   Albertos, I., Martin-Diana, A.B., Burón, M., and Rico, D. (2019). Develop
                    non-toxic, edible packaging with strong film-forming and     ment of functional bio-based seaweed (Himanthalia elongata and
                    antioxidant properties. However, this type of packaging has     Palmaria palmata) edible films for extending the shelf life of fresh fish
                    some limitations, including low tensile strength, low water     burgers. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 22, 100382.
                    vapor and oxygen permeability, high water solubility, poor heat   Antimicrobial Packaging Market. (2023). Antimicrobial packaging market
                    resistance, and moderate antibacterial properties. Thus, the     size, share, competitive landscape and trend analysis report by
                                                                           material type, by technology, by packaging type: global opportunity
                    goal of this packaging type’s continued development is to     analysis and industry forecast, 2021-2031 [Online]. https://www.allied
                    enhance these attributes through a variety of techniques,
                    including  blending  with  other  biopolymers  (like  alginate,   Hamed, I., Jakobsen, A.N., and Lerfall, J. (2022). Sustainable edible
                    sepiolite, myrtle berries extract, sodium alginate, β-Cyclodextrin,     packaging systems based on active compounds from food processing
                    and carvacrol, etc.), using nanotechnology, using plasma     byproducts: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and
                    technology, supplementing with bioactive ingredients, and     Food Safety, 21(1), 198-226.
                    using  other  natural  active  substances  as  indicators  in   Mueanmart, A. (2021). เทคโนโลยี “บรรจัุภััณฑ์์ติ้านจัุลินทรีย์” มาแรง ในยุคที�
                    innovative food packaging (Figure 4).                  ผูู้้คนรักติัว กลัวติายมากข้�น
                       The Ooho capsules, under the Notpla brand, developed   Pateiro, M., Domínguez, R., Bermúdez, R., Munekata, P.E., Zhang, W.,
                    by a London-based startup called Skipping Rocks Lab, are     Gagaoua, M., and Lorenzo, J. M. (2019). Antioxidant active packaging
                    an exciting example of the application of edible packaging in     systems to extend the shelf life of sliced cooked ham. Current Research
                    the food industry. This packaging is a waterproof, bubble-    in Food Science, 1: 24-30.
                    shaped film made from brown seaweed and calcium chloride,   Perera, K.Y., Sharma, S., Pradhan, D., Jaiswal, A.K., and Jaiswal, S.
                    as well as is colorless and tasteless. You can drink the entire     (2021). Seaweed polysaccharide in food contact materials (active
                                                                           packaging, intelligent packaging, edible films, and coatings). Foods,
                    packaging, including the liquid inside, and it will biodegrade     10(9), 2088.
                    in 4-6 weeks. Additionally, this capsule has been further   RistivojeviC, P., JovanoviC, V., Opsenica, D.M., Park, J., Rollinger, J.M.,
                    improved for different liquid and beverage products, such as     and VelickoviC, T.C. (2021). Rapid analytical approach for biopro
                    drinking water, ketchup, and alcoholic beverages.      filing compounds with radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from seaweeds. Food Chemistry, 334, 127562.
                    Challenges in packaging production using             Vidal, C.P., Muñoz-Shugulí, C., Vidal, M.P., Galotto, M.J., and de Dicas
                    natural active substances                              tillo, C.L. (2022). Active electrospun mats: A promising material for
                    Active packaging (antimicrobial packaging) and edible     active food packaging. In Electrospinning-Material Technology of the
                                                                           Future. IntechOpen.
                    packaging are among the most popular types of eco-friendly
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