Page 29 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 29


                     Overview of the dairy industry and cheese            2. Jartisann: The Cheese Baron is a Chiang Mai-based
                     market in Thailand                                 brand specializing in making distinctive cheeses utilizing local
                     Most of Thailand’s dairy production areas are located in   wisdom and ingredients. This brand makes some interesting
                     the North and Northeast. According to the Livestock   cheeses, like the soft San Paquanburie cheese, manufactured
                     Economics Research Group, Department of Livestock   with the same culturing microorganisms used in Brie production,
                     Development, Thailand produced approximately 1.079   and the attractive black Forrest Tale cheese prepared using olive
                     million tons of dairy milk in 2024, an increase of 5.17%   oil and beeswax.
                     from 1.026 million tons in 2023. Meanwhile, the
                     consumption of ready-to-drink milk in 2024 was 0.878
                     million tons, decreased by 3.04% from 0.905 million tons
                     in 2023. With regard to the overall consumption of all
                     dairy products, the consumption of dairy products in 2024
                     was 2.025 million tons, which decreased by 5.72% from
                     2023. The data indicates that consumers are more
                     interested in and consume more processed milk
                     products, such as yoghurt, Greek yoghurt, ice cream,   3. The Cheese Baron: The Cheese Baron is a cheese
                     and cheese, which has resulted in a decline in the   manufacturer based in Ratchaburi that operates a dairy farm of
                     consumption trend of ready-to-drink dairy products.  its own. This company produces a range of cheeses, including
                        Based on statistics from cheese product marketing,   Paneer, Halloumi, Burrata, and cream cheeses.
                     Thailand’s domestic cheese sales income is projected
                     to reach USD 117 million in 2024, growing at an average
                     annual rate of 5.40% from 2024 to 2029. However,
                     a study of the worldwide cheese business shows that,
                     in 2024, the U.S. generated the most money from cheese
                     sales, coming in at USD 32,020 million . In terms of the
                     value of cheese imports and exports, according to the
                     Customs Department, Thailand imported 20 million
                     kilograms of cheese from other countries in 2023 but
                     exported only 1 million kilograms or USD 6.5 million of
                     the cheese. At the moment, the average annual
                     consumption of cheese among Thais is 0.3 kilograms,
                     which is not a very significant amount. Cheeses with
                     a mild flavor, such as mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan
                     cheeses, are preferred by Thai people. This applies to
                     both processed and natural cheeses. Cheese blended
                     with emulsifiers may be flavored and colored before
                     being pasteurized and formed into sheets, bars, and
                     other shapes, known as processed cheese. 2,3
                     Case study of interesting Thai cheese
                     Even  though  cheese  originated  in  the  West, Asia,
                     especially Thailand, has become increasingly popular
                     with Western-style meals due to population growth and
                     food culture expansion. As a result, more cheese brands
                     have been established by domestic cheese producers.
                     Here  are  some  examples  of  cheese  producers  in
                     Thailand who have created interesting and unique
                     cheese products.
                        1. Dacheeso Home Style Cheese: For more than
                     30 years, Dacheeso Home Style Cheese has been a
                     renowned home-style cheese from Chiang Mai. This
                     brand makes a variety of high-quality cheeses, including
                     smoked cheddar, ricotta, and mozzarella, using cow’s
                     milk from farms around Chiang Mai.

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