Page 30 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
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4. Chaiprakarn Dairy Cooperative, Chiang Mai: a different aging time to achieve a perfect taste and texture.
Chaiprakarn Dairy Cooperative is a group of dairy farmers that Therefore, another strategy for creating cheese products
has initiated the production of mozzarella and halloumi cheeses. appropriate for Thai consumers’ tastes is to research the
The cooperative’s farm-front dairy shop also sells these cheeses. optimum aging conditions and duration to acquire flavor for
each customer group.
In addition, the utilization of innovation and technology
in cheese production, for example, (1) the development
of cheese into functional foods with specific properties
like low-fat cheese, high-protein cheese, cheese with added
nutrients to enhance nutritional value, including cheese mixed
with Thai herbs or flavors, can enhance the appeal of Thai
cheese products. (2) Modern packaging technologies
should be used to extend the shelf life of cheese and
Guidelines for producing unique Thai artisan increase convenience for consumers, such as temperature-
cheese controlled packaging to prevent undesirable mold growth on
There are numerous obstacles to overcome when producing the cheese surface and antioxidant packaging to prevent
cheeses from Thai cow’s milk, including the raw milk price in oxidation. (3) Use efficient production technology to lower
Thailand, which remains higher than that of other nations, and costs and improve cheese quality. Examples include
the free trade zone’s effect on dairy goods, which influences the employing the ultrafiltration technique to increase milk
price and cost of cheese made in the country. However, concentration and improve cheese participation efficiency
considering the sustainability of the economy, the environment, and utilizing cheese ripening technology, which can precisely
and food security, it is necessary to develop safe domestic regulate temperature and humidity while shortening the
cheeses with a unique Thai identity. This necessitates studying cheese ripening period.
the guidelines for the fundamental manufacturing steps, such Strong, distinctive brands and high-quality raw materials
as (1) Selection of milk of the proper grade, free from impurities, emphasizing consumer health and safety are key components
and with the appropriate ratio of fat to protein. Cheese may be of Thai cheese products’ marketing and promotion
made from high-quality Thai milk nowadays. Employing milk strategies, which will help them become more well-known
from various breeds, species, and surroundings combined with and competitive with international cheeses. For instance,
specific breeding techniques can help give the cheese products technical guidance and training on processing different
produced in that region a distinctive identity. (2) Milk preparation: cheese types will boost consumer confidence at both
Pasteurization and filtration are necessary for raw milk. Given domestic and global levels. Other strategies include using
Thailand’s hot, humid climate and the potential for contamination organic raw materials, minimizing chemicals, and managing
by pathogenic microorganisms that lead to diseases and a clean and safe production process. Furthermore, public
spoilage, pasteurized milk should be used to produce cheese and private sector promotion and support can facilitate
rather than raw milk. (3) Addition of the proper microorganisms the effective growth of Thai cheese products. The government
and enzymes to precipitate proteins in the milk and give the may help by purchasing new machinery and equipment,
cheese a distinct flavor. The unique characteristics of cheese boosting marketing, and funding Thai cheese makers for
can be achieved by adding various microorganisms used in production process improvement. Currently, the Department
traditional Thai dishes. (4) Cheese ripening is a crucial step in of Livestock Development provides technical advice and
developing its flavor and texture. Each type of cheese requires training on processing various cheese types.
Not only can Thai cow’s milk be used to produce cheese,
boosting dairy producers’ profits, but it’s also a productive
way to utilize local resources. This approach supports
domestic cheese production by lowering imports of cheese
from overseas, which lowers the amount of resources and
energy used in transportation. In addition to generating jobs
for the neighborhood, this will boost the local economy.
Thus, making cheese from Thai cow’s milk is a smart way
for Thailand’s dairy industry to provide sustainable food
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เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
1 Statista. 2024. Cheese – Thailand.
2 เอื้้�อื้งพลอื้ย ใจลังกา. 2567. คู่่�มื้อื้การผลิตเนยแข็็งข็ั�นพ้�นฐานสำำาหรับเกษตรกร
และผ่�ประกอื้บการข็นาดเล็ก. เชีียงใหมื�: ศู่นย์วิิจัยและพัฒนาผลิตภััณฑ์์ปศูุสำัตวิ์
เชีียงใหมื� กอื้งผลิตภััณฑ์์ปศูุสำัตวิ์ กรมืปศูุสำัตวิ์
3 Fox, P. F., Guinee, T. P., Cogan, T. M., & McSweeney, P. L. (2017).
30 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND SEP 2024 Fundamentals of cheese science. Boston: Springer.
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