Page 33 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 33

Choose the Right Sensor for Better        Table 1 explains how the sensor can measure the pH values of milk samples
                    Dairy Product Quality                  with a response time of less than 30 seconds and a standard deviation value
                    The specific pH sensor   is designed   within ±0.05. This test result shows that the specialized sensor  is designed to
                    specifically for use in the dairy industry. It   cover the pH value measurement of various types of milk.
                    features a triple ceramic junction, which   State-of-the-art technology and appropriate pH measurement sensors will
                    ensures  optimum  outflow  of  the  specific   enhance the accuracy of pH analysis and address potential challenges that could
                    reference electrolyte . It also features a   lead to errors. This will positively impact the dairy production process, from quality
                    special reference system  that helps to avoid   control of raw milk to finished products, ensuring safety and maintaining high
                    junction clogging caused by sulfides or   product quality until it reaches the consumer.
                    proteins. The silver ion trap prevents silver
                    ions from migrating into the electrolyte. The
                    proteins from the milk sample can now freely
 Accurate and Fast   interact without precipitation.  The                     More Information        Service Info C003
                    hemispherical pH glass membrane is easy
                    to clean after measurement, which is suitable
 pH Measurement     for pH measurements in laboratories, at-line,
                    and outdoor environments. The temperature
                    of the sample can be measured using an
 in Milk with       external temperature probe along with the
                    pH sensor or the particular pH sensor ,
                    which has an integrated temperature probe
 the Specific Sensor  for milk samples.

                      InLab Dairy Sensor: เซนเซอร์์เฉพาะทางสำำาหร์ับวััด
                    1 ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                      ค่่า pH ในอุตสำาหกร์ร์มนม จากเมทเล่่อร์์ โทเล่โด
                      InLab Dairy Sensor is a specific sensor for pH
                      measurement in dairy industry from Mettler
                      Toledo, Switzerland.
                    2   FRISCOLYT-B: อิเล่็กโทร์ไล่ต์อ้างอิงสำำาหร์ับวััดค่่า pH
                      ในตัวัอย่่างนมจากเมทเล่่อร์์ โทเล่โด ปร์ะเทศสำวัิตเซอร์์-
                      FRISCOLYT-B is reference electrolyte for pH
                      measurement in milk sample from Mettler Toledo,
                    3   ARGENTHAL™: ร์ะบบอ้างอิงสำำาหร์ับวััดค่่า pH ใน
                      ตัวัอย่่างนมจากเมทเล่่อร์์ โทเล่โด ปร์ะเทศสำวัิตเซอร์์-
                      ARGENTHAL™ is reference system for pH
                      measurement in milk sample from Mettler Toledo,
                    4   InLab Power Pro-ISM Sensor: เซนเซอร์์สำำาหร์ับวััด
                      ค่่า pH ท่�สำามาร์ถต่อร์่วัมกับหัวัวััดอุณหภููมิ จาก
                      เมทเล่่อร์์ โทเล่โด ปร์ะเทศสำวัิตเซอร์์แล่นด์
                      InLab Power Pro-ISM Sensor is pH sensor with an
                      integrated temperature probe from Mettler Toledo,
                    5   InLab Solids Pro-ISM Sensor: เซนเซอร์์สำำาหร์ับวััด
                      ค่่า pH ท่�สำามาร์ถต่อร์่วัมกับหัวัวััดอุณหภููมิ จาก
                      เมทเล่่อร์์ โทเล่โด ปร์ะเทศสำวัิตเซอร์์แล่นด์
                      InLab Solids Pro-ISM Sensor is pH sensor with
                      an integrated temperature probe from Mettler
                      Toledo, Switzerland.

                    เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
                    1. Lu, M., Shiau, Y., Wong, J., Lin, R., Kravis, H.,
                      Blackmon, T., Pakzad, T., Jen, T., Cheng, A.,
                      Chang, J., Ong, E., Sarfaraz, N., Wang, N.S.,
                      Riché, E., 2013. 0il spoilage: Methods and Prac
                      tices of Detecting Milk Quality. Food and Nutrition
                      Sciences, 4, 113-123.
                    2. Ogola, H., Shitandi, A., Nanua, J., 2007. Effect of
                      Mastitis on Raw Milk Compositional Quality. Jour
                      nal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 8(3),
                    3. Metha, R.S., 1980. Milk Processed at Ultra
                      High-Temperatures – A Review. Journal of Food
                      Protection, 43(3), 212-225.
                    4. Dairy Processing Handbook, 1995.
                    5. Roginski, H., 2003. Fermented Milks Products
                      from Northern Europe. Encyclopedia of Food
                      Sciences and Nutrition (second edition) 2375-
                      2383.                                                                    SEP  2024  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  33

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