Page 79 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
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                     bodily functions, especially immune   eating. As a result, Low FODMAP products are expected to gain a larger market
                     system  performance. Additionally,   share. However, the development of Low FODMAP products requires the integration
                     individuals with gastrointestinal issues   of scientific and nutritional principles to ensure competitiveness in the market and
                     often experience an imbalance in gut   genuine health benefits. It will facilitate the transformation of research into
                     microbiota, which increases the risk of   commercial production and distribution. TISTR offers a robust food infrastructure
                     deficiencies in micronutrients produced   to support enterprises  and is dedicated to spreading knowledge about Low
                     by these microorganisms, such as    FODMAP foods to the public through various applications. This effort will enhance
                     biotin, vitamin K2, vitamin B12, iron,   consumer awareness and understanding of Low FODMAP products, broadening
                     and calcium. Consequently, consumers   market reach and ultimately boosting the competitive capabilities of the Thai food
                     with IBS and SIBO must ensure their   industry in the future.
                     Low FODMAP diet is varied and
                     nutritionally adequate, guided by
                     healthcare  professionals  and                           More Information        Service Info C012
                     nutritionists. This approach will help
                     ensure that the diet remains balanced
                     and provides all necessary nutrients.
                     Table 1 outlines the appropriate foods
                     to include in the diet to prevent nutrient
                     deficiencies while adhering to a Low
                     FODMAP regimen.
                        Therefore,  developing  Low
                     FODMAP food products that address
                     the needs of individuals with IBS while
                     minimizing the risk of nutrient
                     deficiencies presents a significant
                     challenge in the food industry.
                     Advancements in
                     Low FODMAP Food Research
                     and Development
                     The Thailand Institute of Scientific and
                     Technological Research (TISTR),
                     through its expert center of innovative
                     health food, testing and metrology
                     center, and Srinakharinwirot University,
                     has undertaken research to develop an
                     application that displays FODMAP
                     levels based on a database of food
                     ingredients  used  in Thailand. This
                     initiative aims to enhance the awareness
                     and accessibility of Low FODMAP
                     foods through the application, providing
                     patients with a useful tool to manage
                     and prevent symptoms associated with
                     IBS,  ultimately  leading  to  improved
                     quality of life. Additionally, research and
                     development of Low FODMAP recipes
                     have  been  conducted,  with  the
                     developed menus undergoing FODMAP
                     analysis according to scientific principles
                     in an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited
                     laboratory. The analysis results confirm
                     that the developed recipes meet the
                     FODMAP criteria established by
                     Monash University in Australia and are
                     free from lactose and gluten allergens.                     `         `
                        Currently, interest in Low FODMAP                            `  `
                     foods is steadily increasing, particularly
                     among working-age individuals who
                     often experience stress that impacts
                     intestinal function. This group generally
                     has  higher  purchasing  power  and
                     a greater focus on health-conscious

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