Page 84 - FoodFocusThailand No.222 September 2024
P. 84
contains the ethylene sensor that changes color based on storage of sensitive products. Featuring a unique color-
ripeness, while the outer circle provides a color reference. changing mechanism, they provide irreversible evidence of
The label displays three ripeness stages: light grayish green temperature abuse, making them ideal for pharmaceuticals,
(underripe, sour), light green (semi-ripe, sweet and sour), biologics, and perishable foods. Each label includes a unique
and dark green (ripe, sweet). This innovation helps serial number for enhanced traceability and regulatory
consumers enjoy mangoes at their peak flavor and enhances compliance. To assess safety, consumers can check the
the fruit’s export value. bottom strip below the ‘ON’ button: a white strip indicates
2. Gas Indicator Freshness Guardian Labels safe shipping, while a blue strip signals potential temperature
Freshness indicators are innovative smart packaging issues.
solutions designed to preserve food quality and extend shelf 5. Rancidity Indicator Labels
life by detecting changes in the gas composition within Rancidity indicators are small, color-changing stickers
packaging—signals of potential food spoilage. These labels that detect spoilage in fatty or oily foods. As the food
utilize technologies such as colorimetric indicators, metal deteriorates and releases aldehydes from lipid oxidation, the
oxide sensors, or electrochemical reactions to provide visual sticker changes color, alerting consumers to potential
cues about a product’s freshness. For instance, the oxygen rancidity and helping prevent the consumption of spoiled
indicator found oxygen gas to be an important factor in food. These indicators typically use a cellulose pad with a
product degradation, which may be caused by degraded or pH dye that shifts color in response to volatile aldehydes.
poorly sealed packaging leakage. The Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological
Oxygen indicators may change color when exposed to Research (TISTR) has also successfully developed a
oxygen in meat products, indicating possible spoilage. This rancidity indicator label specifically for fried foods and is open
visual feedback empowers consumers to make informed to transferring the technology to the private sector for further
choices, thereby reducing food waste. Freshness indicators development.
can also be tailored to detect specific gases associated with Smart packaging design is a rapidly evolving field with
different types of spoilage, allowing for a more precise the potential to revolutionize the way products are marketed
assessment of food quality. However, these technologies and sold. By leveraging technology to create more engaging
are currently in the research and development phase and and informative packaging, businesses can differentiate
are typically used in controlled settings. themselves from competitors and build stronger relationships
In addition, integrating gas indicators with RFID with consumers. As technology continues to advance, we
technology offers significant potential for real-time monitoring can expect to see even more innovative and sophisticated
of food packaging conditions throughout the supply chain. smart packaging solutions in the future.
By combining these technologies, it becomes possible to
track changes in gas composition—a crucial indicator of food
freshness and safety. However, technical challenges in
converting gas sensor data into a format compatible with More Information Service Info C013
RFID systems remain significant. Additionally, the high cost
of integrating these technologies into large-scale food
packaging operations currently limits their widespread
3. Full Time-Temperature Indicator Labels เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
The Full Time-Temperature Indicator (TTI) labels visually
display a product’s entire temperature history, providing a text=QR%20codes%2C%20augmented%20reality%2C%20
continuous record of its temperature exposure throughout and,information%20or%20entertainment%2C%20enhanc
the supply chain. Freshtag is a smart label with a simple ing%20the
‘stoplight’ system: green indicates optimal conditions for good
quality products, yellow suggests potential temperature cy-is-the-key-to-your-consumers-hearts#:~:text=Fuelled%20
abuse that causes some problems to products, and red by%20a%20heightened%20awareness,transparency%20
signals unacceptable temperature exposure for consumption. from%20the%20food%20industry
By monitoring products throughout the supply chain, these
labels help businesses ensure product quality and safety, the-ripeness-level-of-golden-nam-dok-mai-mangoes/
reduce waste, and build consumer trust.
4. Partial Time-Temperature Indicator Labels between-brand-and-consumer#:~:text=Using%20Smart%20
The Partial Time-Temperature Indicator labels (TempDot ® Labels%20to%20enable,the%20natural%20choice%20for%20
Plus) are designed to detect whether a product has been consumers
exposed to temperatures exceeding a specified threshold.
Unlike full time-temperature indicator labels, which record
temperature exposure continuously throughout the entire
period, these cost-effective, single-use labels monitor
temperature fluctuations during the transportation and
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