Page 72 - FoodFocusThailand No.225 December 2024
P. 72
Probiotic Microorganisms: When we think of good Sugar Intake Control: “Stress” often drives people to crave
microorganisms in the body, we might only consider their role sweet foods to improve their mood, leading to the consumption
in aiding digestion and regulating the digestive system. of sugary drinks, candies, and desserts. Sugar stimulates the
However, probiotics are like the “hidden generals of the immune release of adrenaline, causing the heart to beat faster and
system,” constantly monitoring and protecting against harmful increasing blood circulation, giving the body energy to handle
microorganisms. They help synthesize essential vitamins, various situations. However, excessive sugar intake, especially
from carbohydrate-rich foods like rice, flour, and fruits, can
control nutrient absorption, and protect the gut lining. Probiotics negatively affect the body by causing an overproduction of
are also linked to mental health, as research shows they play adrenaline, leading to heightened tension and overworking the
a crucial role in signaling neurotransmitters in the brain, such as body. Furthermore, abnormally high blood sugar levels can
serotonin, which is associated with mood and can help reduce increase the risk of various diseases, such as diabetes and
symptoms of depression. Therefore, we can enhance mental cardiovascular disease. Therefore, controlling sugar consumption
well-being by consuming fermented food products like yogurt, to a suitable level is essential to maintain hormonal balance,
kimchi, cheese, fermented vinegar, natto, tempeh, kombucha, reduce stress, and prevent long-term health issues.
and probiotic dietary supplements . Avoid Processed Foods: Ready-to-eat foods, snacks, fried
High-Quality Proteins: These proteins not only provide foods, and instant meals are processed foods that often undergo
energy and build muscles but also contain essential amino high-temperature processing and contain added preservatives,
acids like tyrosine and tryptophan, which aid in the synthesis food additives, sugars, and salt in large amounts, which can
disrupt hormonal balance. Additionally, processed foods tend to
of dopamine and serotonin hormones, respectively. Serotonin lack fiber and vitamins while being high in trans fats and sugars.
helps promote calmness, focus, and emotional regulation, These factors can significantly contribute to depression, anxiety,
while dopamine stimulates feelings of enjoyment, alertness, and insomnia.
and motivation to try new things, inspiring creativity and
inspiration . Market Trends in the Consumption of Foods for
Dietary Fiber: In addition to probiotic microorganisms, Good Mental Health
dietary fiber is a vital nutrient that should not be overlooked. The United Nations has released the 2024 World Happiness
Fiber is primarily found in plants and cannot be digested by Report, revealing that Finland continues to hold the top spot for
the body. Examples of foods that are high in nutritional value the seventh consecutive year, followed by Denmark, Iceland,
and rich in fiber include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and Sweden, respectively. Thailand has moved up to 58 place
such as brown rice, oats, wheat, chia seeds, and sunflower from 60 in the previous year. Following the COVID-19 crisis,
consumers worldwide are increasingly attentive to healthy food
seeds. It aids digestion, reduces constipation, and absorbs choices, particularly functional foods, such as those rich in
excess cholesterol and fats in the intestines, thus easing the antioxidants, brain-boosting, weight management, and muscle-
load on the liver and intestines. Fiber also lowers the risk of building foods. This trend has led to a rise in the popularity of
gastric fluid reflux, hemorrhoids, and colon cancer. Furthermore, food and beverage products aimed at supporting mental health
fiber helps maintain satiety as it expands and stays in the and mood (mood-based products). The food and beverage trends
stomach longer while stabilizing blood sugar and cholesterol for 2024 and the next five years will focus on healthful, safe, and
within normal levels. This, in turn, reduces the risk of diabetes, environmentally friendly options.
heart disease, and obesity. Consuming adequate amounts of The trend of “Food For Your Mood” is evolving beyond
fiber is an effective way to support both digestive health and general food to encompass “Brain-Boosting Nutraceuticals”
weight management. that are rich in nutrients to nourish both the nervous system
and the brain, as well as emotions and mental well-being.
This segment accounts for one-third of the market share,
contributing to a market value of up to $120.8 billion. In today’s
fast-paced lifestyle, people tend to focus on fast foods and
consume fewer fruits and vegetables, leading to a 15.6%
growth in the dietary supplement market for the
digestive system in 2022. This growth has given rise to the
“Good for Gut” trend, emphasizing gut health through the
consumption of foods and products that help maintain
a balance of beneficial microorganisms in the body. It can be
said that if the digestive system is healthy, overall health will
improve as well.
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