Page 104 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 104
• Integrating technology for forecasting and waste
reduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics
allow businesses to accurately predict raw material needs,
reduce energy waste, and improve production processes
for maximum efficiency .
• Incorporating renewable energy sources within
the supply chain: Utilizing solar energy in factories and
production processes reduces dependence on fossil fuels .
Raw Material Sourcing, Storage, and Risk Assessment and Management
Quality Assurance Using high-quality raw Once energy-saving strategies and operational measures
materials reduces waste and unnecessary energy have been established, companies must conduct
consumption during processing. Implementing digital quality risk assessments to identify potential failures and develop
assurance systems enables traceability and optimal preventive measures. The process includes risk analysis to evaluate
material selection. Efficient storage conditions further factors that may impact energy efficiency, such as supply chain
conserve energy, for instance, intelligent temperature- disruptions, outdated technology, or operational inefficiencies;
controlled refrigeration and automated warehouse preventive measures such as implementing high-efficiency
temperature control systems to maintain raw material quality technologies, maintaining and inspecting machinery regularly, and
while minimizing energy usage, as well as sourcing from integrating alternative energy sources can help mitigate risks;
energy-efficient suppliers, such as agricultural producers standardized procedures by establishing clear operational
employing sustainable farming practices to reduce water guidelines, such as employee training on energy conservation, regular
and energy consumption. energy usage audits, and setting reduction targets for each
Process Design and Control in department, ensures consistency and accountability; and continuous
Manufacturing Efficient production process monitoring and improvement: Regular audits and performance
design and control help reduce energy reviews should be conducted to ensure that energy-saving measures
consumption through energy recycling and waste remain effective and stay updated with emerging technologies and
reduction initiatives to maximize material utilization. For market trends in the future.
example, ‘Betagro’ Group has installed solar panels across Monitoring, Verification, and Evaluation of
35 facilities nationwide, generating over 40 megawatts Energy Savings Organizations should implement a
of clean energy and cutting greenhouse gas emissions systematic approach to tracking and verifying energy
by 22,000 tons annually. The company also conservation performance to ensure that energy-saving initiatives
employs biological wastewater treatment to recycle energy align with established standards and objectives. Key approaches
in its production processes, supporting its Net Zero carbon include real-time energy monitoring systems to analyze consumption
emission goals under the Environmental, Social, and patterns and identify areas for improvement; operational audits, such
Governance (ESG) framework. ‘NR Instant Produce as annual reviews or obtaining ISO 50001 certification, to ensure
(NRF)’ prioritizes renewable energy and aims for Net Zero compliance with energy management standards; data analysis and
emissions by 2050, leveraging biochar technology to reduce benchmarking of energy usage trends to evaluate the impact of
greenhouse gas emissions . conservation measures; and ongoing improvements, addressing
Logistics Operations Control Logistics inefficiencies and adopting new technologies to enhance energy
activities, including transportation, storage, and efficiency. To achieve true sustainability, businesses must
distribution, are among the most energy-intensive integrate technology and innovation into their energy conservation
processes. Without proper management, energy strategies, reducing resource consumption while maintaining
consumption can become inefficient. However, energy use long-term growth. By adopting these best practices, companies can
can be reduced by improving logistics strategies and transition toward a sustainable food supply chain, benefiting
integrating advanced technologies. For example, ‘CPF’ has both the environment and their bottom line.
developed the “Green Logistics” initiative, utilizing electric From the various energy-saving approaches mentioned above,
trucks (EV Trucks) for transportation, significantly reducing it is necessary to consider the appropriate implementation of
carbon dioxide emissions. Additionally, the company has technology and innovation to reduce energy and resource
implemented GPS and AI systems to optimize delivery consumption, following business development guidelines to truly
routes, minimizing travel distances and transportation time. achieve sustainability.
Similarly, the ‘Thai Union Group’ launched the “SUN
SEEKER PROJECT”, installing solar panels in warehouses
and seafood processing plants. This transition to renewable More Information Service Info C017
energy reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers long-term
energy costs. The company also employs an intelligent เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
inventory management system that optimizes warehouse
temperature control, enhancing energy efficiency. 3
Furthermore, selecting optimal transportation routes and 4
utilizing clean energy-powered vehicles contribute to overall 5
energy savings in logistics and distribution operations. 6
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