Page 103 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 103

                                                                               STORAGE, HANDLING & LOGISTICSORAGE, HANDLING & LOGISTICS

                     The Path to Energy Conservation

                     for a Sustainable Food Supply Chain

                     The food industry is one of the most energy-intensive sectors, requiring vast resources from raw material
                     production and processing to transportation and distribution. Given this, businesses must seek ways to
                     enhance energy efficiency to improve operational effectiveness and minimize environmental impact.
                     Achieving energy efficiency throughout the supply chain involves several crucial steps.

                             Establishing Clear Policies,                   Product Design Energy efficiency starts with product
                             Strategies, and Goals  Organizations           design  by  selecting  raw  materials  with  lower  energy
                             should define clear policies, strategies, and   requirements, reducing energy-intensive processing steps,
                             goals for energy conservation to ensure   and using environmentally friendly packaging. ‘Unilever’ has
                     alignment and  collaboration among  employees.   developed eco-friendly  packaging using  recycled  plastic  and
                     Additionally,  fostering  cooperation  with  business   lightweight materials, minimizing energy consumption in production
                     partners is essential. A well-defined policy from top   and transportation. Additionally, the company has introduced
                     management signals commitment across all levels,   dishwashing products made from natural cleaning agents, significantly
                     driving effective energy-saving initiatives. For example,   reducing energy usage during manufacturing .
                     ‘CPF’ has implemented the CPF 2030 strategy to         Supply Chain Design A well-structured supply chain
                     promote  a  sustainable  food  system,  focusing  on   can  optimize  energy  consumption  through  various
                     reducing greenhouse gas emissions and optimizing       strategies:
                     water resource utilization. A key achievement is adopting   • Sourcing raw materials near production
                     30% renewable energy in its production facilities across   facilities: Sourcing raw materials from locations near manufacturing
                     Thailand . ‘Unilever’ has committed to responsible   facilities helps reduce transportation distances, ultimately lowering
                     business operations through the “Unilever Sustainable   fuel and energy consumption. For example, establishing livestock
                     Living Plan”, aiming to reduce energy consumption   farms  close  to  food  processing  plants  can  significantly  cut
                     across its global supply chain. The company targets 100%   long-distance transportation costs.
                     renewable energy usage in all its factories by 2030 .
                                                                                               MAR  2025  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  103

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