Page 76 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 76
The Invisible Danger of Bacillus cereus:
Harmful Bacteria Causing Food Poisoning
In January 2019, Metro, a British news agency, reported the case of a college student in Brussels, Belgium,
who died from food poisoning after eating leftover pasta that had been out of the refrigerator for 5 days.
He had reheated it in the microwave before consuming it. About half an hour later, he experienced a headache,
stomachache, and severe nausea, which led to vomiting for several hours throughout most of the night.
Unfortunately, he was found dead the next morning. The autopsy revealed that he had died from food poisoning
caused by Bacillus cereus, and the toxic food had been in such a large quantity that it resulted in liver failure.
In April 2019, the Thai Food and Drug Administration 1) Emetic syndrome: Vomiting caused by toxins produced by the
issued a warning to consumers that a brand of instant boat bacteria during growth in food. This toxin is resistant to high temperatures
noodles was contaminated with B. cereus, exceeding the and stomach acidity. Patients experience nausea and vomiting after
standard criteria set by the Ministry of Public Health. This consuming the toxin for about half to 5 hours, and symptoms last no
caused the product owner to come out and clarify and more than 6-24 hours.
recall all problematic products. In November of the same 2) Diarrhea syndrome: It is caused by consuming food containing
year, news emerged of acute food poisoning in nearly 200 B. cereus cells, which can multiply in the human intestines and produce
students at two junior high schools in rural Chongqing, toxins. The bacteria take about 8-16 hours to incubate, causing cramps
China. An investigation revealed that the cause was the in the abdomen and loose stools. Symptoms usually last no longer than
noodles provided by the schools, which were contaminated 14 hours.
with a large amount of B. cereus. The noodles distributed
to students in both schools came from the same source Notification of the Ministry of Public Health, No. 416, 2020, regarding
and had poor production hygiene management. the prescribing of quality or standard, principles, conditions, and methods
From the examples of the incidents occurred above, it of analysis for pathogenic microorganisms in foods, has clearly defined
is clear that B. cereus is a pathogen that not only causes food standards for pathogenic microorganisms for each type of food
illness to those who are infected but can also be fatal. product. For the amount of B. cereus contamination, there are standard
When a large number of people are infected with bacteria criteria specifying the maximum amount that can be detected. These
or toxins causing similar illnesses, resulting in an outbreak, are set as no more than 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, or 2,500 CFU/g,
it will certainly have a broad impact on the economy and depending on the type of food product.
the credibility of food safety for products, manufacturers,
and countries, especially in exporting products to other
More Information Service Info C012
B. cereus Food Poisoning
B. cereus is a gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium that
produces spores and toxins. It is often found in the เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
environment, such as soil and water, and is commonly
found in plant products such as rice, grains, flour, flour
products, spices, animal products, and various flavorings.
It is also found in the feces of healthy people, accounting ministry-of-public-health-1
for about 15% of food poisoning cases worldwide. จุุลิินทรีีย์์ที�ทำ�ให้้เกิิดโรีค Bacillus cereus. สถ�บัันอ�ห้�รี กิรีะทรีวงอุตส�ห้กิรีรีม
B. cereus is the cause of 1.2% of food poisoning Bacillus cereus เชื้้�อแบัคทีเรีีย์ส�เห้ตุโรีคอ�ห้�รีเป็็นพิิษ. สถ�บัันวิจุัย์วิทย์�ศ�สตรี์
outbreaks worldwide. It can cause two types of food
poisoning: ส�ธ�รีณสุข กิรีมวิทย์�ศ�สตรี์กิ�รีแพิทย์์ กิรีะทรีวงส�ธ�รีณสุข
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