Page 72 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 72
Authenticity First:
Safety Control for
Contaminant-Free Thai Durian
In January 2025, the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) rejected the import of fresh durians
from Thailand at Wuxu International Airport in Nanning. The rejection was due to the absence of an analysis
report for Basic Yellow 2 (BY2), a substance classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization
(WHO). China’s Ministry of Health has banned the use of this substance in food since 2008.
On January 8, 2025, GACC implemented a measure requiring intensified inspection measures by implementing 100% screening
that every lot of durians imported into China must be accompanied of all export containers, including testing for cadmium, durian
by a BY2 analysis report and must test negative for the substance. pests, and sulfur dioxide. If violations are found, penalties will be
This measure has been in effect since January 10, 2025. Besides imposed in accordance with the DoA’s regulations. The ministry
BY2 contamination concerns, there have been reports of cadmium has also coordinated with the Department of Internal Trade to
levels exceeding safety standards in durians and jackfruits monitor durian prices and urged buyers not to engage in price
imported from Vietnam. As a result, GACC has tightened its suppression.
inspections of fruit imports from various countries. This measure
has led Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia to BY2 Analysis Methods in Durian
temporarily suspend durian exports in order to improve inspection Basic Yellow 2 (BY2), also known as Auramine O, is a synthetic
processes to meet China’s import standards. organic chemical used for dyeing various materials such as fabric,
The Department of Agriculture (DoA) of Thailand has issued paper, silk, ink, plastic, acrylic, polyester fibers, wool, and leather.
an announcement on measures to control the contamination of It is also used for staining biological cells in laboratory settings.
prohibited substances in fresh durians before export to China, This substance appears as a yellow powder and is soluble in cold
effective from January 2025 onward. This announcement water, hot water, and ethyl alcohol. The WHO classifies BY2 as
mandates that the use of chemicals in the production process a Group 2B carcinogen, meaning it is possibly carcinogenic to
must comply with relevant Ministry of Public Health regulations humans. In Thailand, the use of BY2 in durians originates from
or the requirements of trading partner countries. If a packing house some producers who dip the fruit in this substance to enhance
is found to be using or possessing prohibited substances, its the color of the peel, making it more visually appealing. This is
export activities will be immediately suspended, and it may face done as an alternative to food coloring or turmeric, as the market
the revocation of its plant product factory registration certificate. favors durians with green peels. Since BY2 can provide the desired
Additionally, if authorities suspect that durians contain prohibited color at a lower cost. However, using BY2 in food is unsafe and
substances, they may require the packing house to send samples illegal.
for laboratory analysis before issuing a phytosanitary certificate, At present, there is no simple, rapid test kit available for
ensuring consumer and importer confidence in Thai durians. screening BY2 in durians. Therefore, detection can only be
Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has conducted using laboratory techniques, such as High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), which is a precise and reliable
72 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND MAR 2025 method. Currently, 6 laboratories in Thailand are recognized by
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