Page 67 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 67
Food Authenticity:
Real, Original, Not Fake, Not Mixed Up
“Food authenticity” refers to genuine food products that are not adulterated or misrepresented. The food is
exactly what it claims to be, whether in terms of ingredients, origins, or production methods.
The concept of food authenticity has evolved from simply processing stages. In addition, food fraud techniques evolve rapidly.
identifying food counterfeiting and misleading consumers. Initially, Traceability allows from-farm-to-fork tracking of food products.
food authenticity focused mainly on preventing the substitution Effective traceability helps in identify and verify the sources of
of valuable ingredients with less valuable ones and preventing ingredients, assisting in the detection and prevention of fraudulent
improper labeling. Over time, the concept has expanded to activities. Transparency in the supply chain builds trust among
include respect for cultural, traditional, and local culinary roots. consumers, allowing them to make informed choices and feel
After the Industrial Revolution (around the 1960s-1970s), the confident in the authenticity of the products they purchase.
concept was used further developed for the establishment of Technologies such as blockchain, radio-frequency identification
food industrial production and standardization. This ultimately (RFID), and the Internet of Things (IoT) can be integrated with
aimed at protecting consumers from health risks as well as supply chain management.
fraudulent, and ensuring the integrity of overall food supply
Food authenticity is sometimes confused with food safety.
The primary concerns are somewhat different. Unlike food safety
issues, the foods are intentionally misrepresented with a primary
aim to reduce their cost and increase profit margin. Such
malpractices may or may not cause a direct health impact on
consumers. The case of melamine in infant formula is an example
of an increased risk of kidney stones and renal failure among
infants. In contrast, the substitution of beef with horsemeat may
not directly pose health impacts on most consumers, except for
those who showing allergic reactions to horsemeat proteins.
Other aspects underlying similarities and differences between
food authenticity and food safety are shown in Table 2.
Methods of Food Authenticity Testing
Spectroscopic methods (Infrared, Raman, nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR), handheld-laser induced breakdown
spectroscopy): These methods provide detailed molecular
insights that help distinguish genuine products. Chromatography
(GC-MS, LC-MS): These methods provide detailed information
regarding molecular patterns. DNA-Based detection: This
method identifies plant and animal species, as well as genetically
modified species in foods. Blockchain technology: This
technology provides a tamper-proof and transparent record of
all transactions in the food supply chain and traceability of all
ingredients and foods through verified documentation processes.
RFID and IoT: These technologies, when integrated with devices,
can be used to monitor and track products in real time, providing
detailed information about their journey through the supply chain.
The Crucial Roles of Supply Chain Transparency
on Food Authenticity
The main challenges of food authenticity testing include the
complexity of the food supply chain. In one food product, its
ingredients may travel through multiple countries and passed
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