Page 62 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
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ภาพที่่� 1 บทบาทของโพรไบโอติิกส์์ติ่อส์ุขภาพของผู้้�หญิิง
Figure 1 Roles of probiotics in women’s health
Probiotics: A Boon for Women’s Health During pregnancy, probiotics can mitigate infection risks, which can
Probiotics offer diverse benefits, including anti-aging and impact outcomes. They may also alleviate common discomforts like
microbiome balancing. As an alternative healthcare solution, flatulence, constipation, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
they are suitable for all ages and genders, especially women, and potentially reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, obstetric anemia,
a key market segment. Women undergo physiological and urinary tracts infections (UTIs). Furthermore, probiotics may
hormonal changes throughout life, from childhood and positively influence mental health, potentially reducing anxiety, stress,
reproductive adolescence to pregnancy, menopause, and prenatal anxiety, postpartum depression, and mastitis, possibly through
old age. Probiotics can address related health issues such the gut-brain axis.
as digestive imbalances, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Menopause, marked by declining estrogen, often causes thinning
skin diseases, and vaginal infections. Similarly, they can and dryness in urogenital tissues, leading to varied symptoms. Probiotics
also be taken for wellness or preventive purposes, such as can help readjust hormonal balance, alleviating symptoms like vaginal
weight management, hormonal and mental rebalancing, dryness and reducing the risk of vaginal inflammation and infections
skincare, and long-term immunity boosting (Figure 1). during intercourse. Research suggests probiotics may also benefit
bone health by regulating estrogen, thus lowering osteoporosis risk.
Probiotics for Women’s Health: From Probiotic-rich yogurt may reduce anxiety, stress, and improve quality
Reproductive Years to Menopause of life in menopausal women. Ongoing research, such as studies
According to research, the vaginal microbiome, comprising investigating Lactobacillus in preventing and treating female reproductive
70-90% Lactobacillus species, especially L. crispatus, cancers, continues to progress and explore the full potential of probiotics
L. gasseri, L. iners, L. jensenii, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, and for women’s health.
L. fermentum, helps maintain a healthy pH (3.5-4.5) and
produces antimicrobial compounds, such as hydrogen A Guide to Choosing Probiotic Products
peroxide (H O ), bacteriocins and biosurfactants. Hormonal Choosing probiotics can be difficult due to the wide variety available.
changes, pregnancy, menstruation, and the uses of Consumers should check labels for FDA approval, registration,
antibiotics and contraceptives can disrupt this balance. manufacturing details (location, date), expiration date, ingredients,
Bacterial vaginosis (BV), affecting 10-20% of women in some usage/storage instructions, and manufacturing standards. Identifying
Asian countries, can be treated with probiotics containing specific probiotic strains is crucial, as their functions differ. Colony
L. crispatus, L. jensenii, and L. gasseri, restoring balance forming unit (CFU) count, impacting efficacy, should comply with Ministry
and reducing risks like candidiasis. These probiotics may of Public Health regulations. Reputable products must provide verifiable
also mitigate some STIs; for example, L. crispatus inhibits data, such as clinical studies, and claims certified by corresponding
Chlamydia trachomatis, a cause of chlamydia, by producing authorities for consumer benefit.
biosurfactants, and some strains target Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, a cause of gonorrhea. Probiotics may also
play a role in managing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Scan QR code for references.
a hormonal disorder impacting ovarian function, overall
health, and mood, with symptoms like irregular menstruation,
pregnancy issues, weight gain, and increased diabetes risk.
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