Page 61 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
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A Health Rebalancing Alternative
for Modern Women
Amidst pandemics and unhealthy lifestyles, wellness and healthcare are increasingly prioritized through
healthy food, exercise, and immunity boosters. Physical and mental rebalancing is also crucial for long-
term health and preparedness against emerging infectious diseases.
Probiotics, beneficial microorganisms, are a leading Beyond strains, technological innovations enhance
wellness product, evidenced by the booming global market. production effectiveness, reflecting product quality, production
In 2023, the global probiotics market (for both humans and cost, and standards. These innovations span the entire
animals) reached USD 87.70 billion, with a projected 14.1% process, from microbial cultivation or fermentation to
CAGR. It is expected to grow from USD 99.97 billion in 2024 downstream processing, ensuring high-quality live probiotic
to USD 220.14 billion in 2030. Globally, Asia Pacific leads with cells. For example, three-layer microencapsulation
a 38.5% revenue share in 2024. Thailand’s BOI reported in (phospholipids, polypeptides, and fibers) improves the stability
September 2024 that the Thai probiotics market is expanding of live cells. Research empowers food operators to develop
at a 12.21% CAGR, reaching a total value of USD 250 million. competitive products and enables consumers to make informed
choices and access reasonably priced, effective probiotics.
Challenges and Innovations of Probiotic Products The market now offers diverse products, including fermented
The expanding probiotic market has intensified competition in foods, snacks (gummies, jellies, chocolates), beverages
terms of effectiveness, strain characteristics, and technological (yogurt, fermented milk), dietary supplements (powders,
advances, such as genome-level research, gut microbiome tablets, capsules), cosmetics, and personalized health
studies, and the link between probiotics and human products. Furthermore, personalized probiotics address
mechanisms. Studies now explore not only the digestion specific health issues, such as metabolic syndrome, NCDs,
system but also brain-gut communication as well as insomnia, digestive disorders, excretory diseases, and
dermatological, oral, and vaginal microbiomes. This has led women’s health.
to the discovery of specific probiotic strains with superior
resilience in the gut system and enhanced adhesion to
intestinal epithelial tissues. MAR 2025 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND 61
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