Page 57 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 57


                     Enzyme-Based Dietary Solutions to Slow Cellular
                     Skin Aging
                     Women often have a natural affinity for sweets. Yet, excessive
                     consumption of sugar and carbohydrates can accelerate
                     glycation. In this non-enzymatic reaction, blood sugar interacts
                     with biomolecules like proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids,
                     forming Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). AGEs
                     contribute to oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular
                     degeneration, significantly affecting skin health by weakening
                     collagen and elastin, leading to reduced skin elasticity and
                     firmness .
                        However, advancements in enzymatic technology have
                     enabled the transformation of ‘sucrose’ (commonly found in
                     table sugar and fruits) into ‘prebiotics’, particularly fructo-
                     oligosaccharides  (FOS),  which  nourish  beneficial  gut
                     microbiota (probiotics). This technology can reduce sucrose
                     content in high-sugar fruit purees, such as durian, banana,
                     and mango, by up to 60%, making them viable ingredients in
                     healthier desserts like sorbets and cakes (figure 1).
                     Protecting Skin Aging from Reactive Oxygen  Bioactive Compounds for Youthful
                     Species (ROS) using Bioactives in Foods             and Healthy Skin
                     Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are one of the primary   Advances in science and technology have enabled the use of
                     causes of skin aging. These molecules are byproducts of   various bioactive compounds in skincare products to reduce
                     various biological processes and are influenced by both internal   wrinkles, slow down cellular aging, and restore skin radiance.
                     and external factors, such as cellular metabolism, exposure   These include  Retinoids, vitamin  A derivatives
                     to UV radiation from sunlight, and air pollution. While ROS are   like retinol and retinaldehyde, which promote skin renewal,
                     naturally occurring, excessive accumulation can lead to skin   stimulate collagen production, and reduce acne. Vitamin C is
                     cell damage, including the degradation of proteins, lipids, and   an antioxidant that enhances collagen synthesis, reduces dark
                     nucleic acids. This results in premature skin aging, inflammation,   spots, and protects against environmental damage. Products
                     and an increased risk of skin problems. Consuming foods rich   with ascorbic acid or stable forms like sodium ascorbyl
                     in antioxidants can help protect the body from oxidative damage   phosphate offer optimal skin benefits. Vitamin E, which
                     while also promoting healthy skin . For instance, vitamin C   maintains moisture, reduces inflammation, and shields against
                     (L-ascorbic  acid)—commonly  found  in  citrus  fruits  like   UV rays. Tocotrienols, a potent form of vitamin E, penetrate the
                     oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and papayas—plays a key role   skin more effectively. Ubiquinone/Ubiquinol boosts cellular
                     in collagen synthesis . Papayas are also rich in beta-carotene,   energy, reduces wrinkles, and protects against oxidative stress.
                     a precursor of vitamin A, which is essential for skin health.   Zinc is essential for skin repair, wound healing, and oil
                     Vitamin A and its derivatives, such as retinoids, regulate skin   regulation. Zinc oxide is a key ingredient in sunscreens and
                     thickness, melanin distribution, and sebaceous gland function .   acne treatments due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
                     Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant found in red algae,   properties. Procyanidins protect collagen and elastin, reduce
                     belongs to the carotenoid family and helps reduce wrinkles,   wrinkles, and prevent skin degradation. Collagen tripeptides,
                     improve skin elasticity, and prevent moisture loss . Vitamin E,   strengthen the skin, stimulate collagen production, and enhance
                     found in avocados, sunflower oil, rice bran oil, oats, and   tissue repair; as well as Copper peptides also support skin
                     walnuts, particularly in the form of tocotrienols, protects the   regeneration, etc.
                     skin  by  preventing  lipid  oxidation,  maintaining  moisture,   However, whether it is topical skincare products or dietary
                     reducing inflammation, and shielding against UV damage .   supplements that have been reported to benefit the skin, the
                     Additionally, procyanidins, bioactive compounds found in   key is to prioritize a diverse and nutritious diet to ensure the
                     green  tea  and  berries  (blueberries,  raspberries,  and   body  receives  all  essential  nutrients  for  sustainable  skin
                     cranberries), act as antioxidants that protect skin cells from   health. Additionally, getting enough rest, exercising regularly,
                     oxidative damage while inhibiting enzymes that break down   and managing stress properly play a crucial role in maintaining
                     collagen and elastin, thus maintaining skin firmness and   good mental health, which in turn helps the skin radiate from
                     reducing inflammation . Selenium, abundant in salmon and   within.
                     Brazil nuts, supports antioxidant enzymes like glutathione
                     peroxidase, helping to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation,
                     and enhance skin immunity.
                        Given  modern  lifestyles,  many  of  these  bioactive   Scan QR code for references.
                     compounds are available as dietary supplements to serve the
                     needs of today’s women. However, while their skin benefits
                     are well-documented, proper dosage and bioavailability must
                     be considered, as absorption rates vary by individual, gender,   More Information    Service Info C008
                     and age.

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