Page 52 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
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                                                                  from Thua Nao products (Supakit et al., 2019) to develop
                                                                  these extracts into functional foods and nutraceutical
                                                                  products. This research has been conducted continuously
                                                                  from 2008 to 2019 to improve production consistency and
                                                                  elevate Thailand’s traditional fermented food products to
                                                                  international standards.

                                                                  The chemical changes during fermented
                                                                  soybean production
                                                                  Soybean naturally contains isoflavones, primarily in the
                                                                  glucoside form, which may not provide significant health
                                                                  benefits. However, during the fermentation process
                                                                  with Bacillus spp. microorganisms, these bacteria produce
                                                                  protease enzymes to break down soybean proteins and also
                                                                  produce β-glucosidase enzymes to hydrolyze the glycosidic
                                                                  bond in isoflavone glucoside structures This process results
              A study evaluates the antioxidant properties        in the removal of the glycone sugar group from the main
              and cytotoxicity of isoflavone extracts from        molecules,  transforming  them  into  isoflavone  aglycone
              Thua-Nao is a traditional fermented soybean product from   (Figure 1), which are forms that the body can absorb and
              Thailand. The soybeans were fermented using traditional   utilize more effectively.
              Lanna methods from Northern Thailand with Bacillus subtilis   From the traditional  Thai fermentation method of
              bacteria. The research found that the Thua Nao extracts   soybeans (Thua Nao), it was found that the fermented
              contained high levels of isoflavones, particularly daidzein,   products contain various strains of microorganisms to natural
              and  genistein,  which  demonstrated  strong  antioxidant   inoculation. Furthermore, soybean products fermented
              activity. These results were obtained through the ABTS,   with Bacillus spp. show the different microbial strains
              FRAP, and DPPH methods, while High-Performance Liquid   depending on the region and type of microorganisms used.
              Chromatography (HPLC) and Liquid Chromatography-Mass   While these products share similar production methods to
              Spectrometry (LC-MS) techniques were used to determine   Thailand’s Thua  Nao,  the  final  products  may  differ  in
              the quantity and composition of isoflavones and phenol   characteristics, such as Japanese Natto, Nepalese Kinema,
              compounds. Moreover, the extracts demonstrated a    and Korean Chungkookjang.
              promising inhibitory effect on the growth of MCF-7 and
              HEK293 cancer cells. These results are highly important
              for the future development of dietary supplements and
              nutraceutical products.
                                                                          More Information        Service Info C007
              The production process of Thua Nao
              The production process of Thua Nao begins with washing
              soybeans thoroughly in water 2–3 times, followed by soaking      เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                                                                    •  Devi, M.A.; Kumar, S.S.; Giridhar, P. LC-ESI-MS based
              them in clean water for 15–18 hours. After soaking, the     characterisation of isoflavones in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
              soaked soybeans are boiled in hot water until fully cooked,     from India. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2018, 55, 5045–5054.
              which takes approximately 5–6 hours, depending on the   •  Khosravi, A.; Razavi, S.H. Therapeutic effects of polyphenols in
              quantity of soybeans used.  After boiling, the cooked     fermented soybean and black. J. Funct. Foods 2021, 81, 104467.
              soybeans are left to dry at room temperature before being   •  Kulprachakarn, K.;Chaipoot, S.; Phongphisutthinant, R.;Paradee,
              packed into well-ventilated breathable bags, such as mesh     N.; Prommaban, A.; Ounjaijean, S.; Rerkasem, K.; Parklak,W.;
                                                                      Prakit, K.; Saengsitthisak, B.; et al.Antioxidant Potential and
              bags, which have shaded area for fermentation and left to     Cytotoxic Effect of Isoflavones Extract from Thai Fermented
              ferment in a shaded area with good air circulation for about     Soybean (Thua-Nao).Molecules 2021, 26, 7432. https://doi.
              5–7 days until fresh Thua Nao is obtained. Before       org/10.3390/molecules26247432
              consumption, the fresh Thua Nao must be steamed to    •  Ohta, A.; Uehara, M.; Sakai, K.; Takasaki, M.; Adlercreutz, H.;
              ensure it is fully cooked and to eliminate any microorganisms     Morahashi, T.; Ishimi, Y. A combination of dietary fructooligosac
                                                                      charides and isoflavone conjugates increases femoral bone
              that  may  have  contaminated  the  product  during  the     mineral density and equol production in ovariectomized mice. J.
              production process.                                     Nutr. 2002, 132, 2048–2054.
                 Subsequently, the research team studied the isolation   •  Supakit, C; Rewat, P; Sujinda, S; Sakaewan, O; Pairote, W.
              process of Bacillus spp. microorganisms from traditionally     Preparation of Isoflavone glucosides from Soy germ and
              fermented Thua Nao samples for use in future production.     β-Glucosidase from Bacillus coagulans PR03 for Isoflavone
              They also investigated the extraction of isoflavone aglycones     aglycones Production. CMU J. Nat. Sci. Vol. 18(4).

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