Page 47 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
P. 47


                     Fermentation Technology:

                     Science of Functional Foods

                     Traditionally, fermentation was used to preserve food and extend its shelf life. However, modern fermentation
                     technologies have gained popularity due to increasing scientific research highlighting their health benefits,
                     which include reducing blood cholesterol levels, preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), stimulating
                     the immune system, and inhibiting pathogens. Such advantages stem from the synthesis of bioactive
                     compounds produced by microorganisms as they degrade organic substances.

                     Growth Trends in the Fermented Foods         Advances in Fermentation Technologies
                     and Beverages Market                         Traditionally, fermentation relied on starter cultures or microorganisms
                     The fermented foods and beverages industry is   naturally present in raw materials, equipment, and the environment
                     experiencing continuous expansion. In 2021, the   during the preparation process. Modern approaches, however, starter
                     sector saw a growth rate of 3.3%, and by 2026,              cultures were isolated and cultivated before being added to the
                     it is projected to reach a total value of USD 533   fermentation process. Additionally, factors such as salinity, humidity,
                     million (THB 19 billion), with an annual growth rate   and temperature must be carefully controlled to optimize microbial
                     of 7.34%. By 2032, its market value is forecasted   activity. These advancements have been creativity in diversifying
                     to surge to USD 989 billion (THB 35 trillion). Given   fermented food products, including:
                     the current market growth and evolving consumer   Fermented vegetables and fruits: Kimchi, for instance, is rich in
                     behavior, fermented foods and beverages present   beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. It also
                     substantial  investment  potential  and  promising   contains compounds that inhibit angiotensin, an enzyme linked to
                     prospects.                                   hypertension. Research by Pumriw et al. (2021) isolated lactic acid

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