Page 48 - FoodFocusThailand No.228 March 2025
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bacteria (LAB) from Pak-Sian-Dong, a Thai local fermented 2. Increasing Bioactive Compounds
vegetable. These isolated bacteria—Limosilactobacillus During the fermentation process the synthesis or production
fermentum, Levilactobacillus brevis, and Lactiplantibacillus of bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, antioxidants,
plantarum—are known for their probiotic properties. prebiotics, and probiotics. For instance, fermented cabbage
Fermented beans: Natto, a popular Japanese food, (Sauerkraut) and Kimchi contain higher amounts of vitamins,
contains bioactive compounds beneficial to health. During minerals, and beneficial microorganisms compared to fresh
the fermentation of natto, Bacillus subtilis natto produces the vegetables, which help promote better gut health.
enzyme nattokinase, which has anticoagulant properties that 3. Extending Shelf Life
may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Another Fermentation is a natural method of preserving food by
example is tempeh, an Indonesian traditional fermented creating an acidic environment and producing bacteriocins, which
soybean product. During the fermentation process, the inhibit growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This extends shelf
proteins in soybeans are hydrolyzed into peptides and amino life without the need for preservatives.
acids by the enzyme from the Rhizopus oligosporus. 4. Enhancing Taste, Flavor, and Texture
Additionally, the fermentation process partially digests the Fermentation generates flavor-enhancing compounds such
proteins in the soybeans, making fermented bean products as esters and alcohols, contributing to unique taste profiles.
easier to digest and absorb compared to consuming beans It also modifies texture, creating creamy yogurt or crisp pickled
in their regular form. vegetables, adding unique tastes, flavors, and textures to food
Fermented milk: Cheese is a traditional fermented dairy products.
product of the Western. Its production involves curdling milk 5. Developing New and Innovative Food Products
with acids or rennin, followed by the addition of a LAB starter Fermentation technologies enable the production of a wide
culture. The whey is then separated from the curd, and the range of functional foods, including traditional options like yogurt,
curd undergoes a ripening process, during which enhances cheese, and sourdough; innovative products such as probiotic
flavor, other chemical and physical properties are developed. drinks and alternative proteins; and healthy alternative snacks,
Natural microorganisms and starter cultures, such as LAB providing diverse choices for consumers. For example, dietary
and yeast, create compounds that are beneficial to health. fiber-enriched yogurt ice cream (Figure 1). To produce yogurt
Fermented rice: Khao Mak, or sweet fermented ice cream, key ingredients—including dietary fiber, milk, and a
glutinous rice, is made by fermenting steamed glutinous stabilizing agent—are first mixed and pasteurized. A yogurt starter
rice with a starter culture ball containing various culture or probiotic strain, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus, is then
microorganisms, including fungi (Aspergillus, Rhizopus, inoculated, and the mixture undergoes incubation under
Mucor, and Amylomyces rouxii), yeasts (Saccharomyces controlled conditions. The resulting fermented yogurt is
cerevisiae, S. fibuligera, and Candida spp.), and bacteria subsequently blended with an ice cream mix at a 30:70 ratio.
(Pediococcus, Lactobacillus, Acetobacter, and After blending, the yogurt ice cream is packaged and ready for
Gluconobacter). During fermentation, the fungi produce consumption. Rich in protein- and carbohydrate-based beneficial
α-amylase and glucoamylase to break down starch, the main compounds, yogurt ice cream contains dietary fiber, organic
component in glutinous rice, into oligosaccharides and acids, and probiotics that support gut health, making it a functional
monosaccharides. Then the yeasts and bacteria convert food with both nutritional and digestive benefits.
these simple sugars into alcohol, organic acids, volatile Another noteworthy example is the production of kombucha
compounds, and other flavor compounds. Therefore, from Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza), a type of
consuming Khao Mak can improve the digestive system due Curcuma plant, using a symbiotic culture of bacteria and
to its richness in beneficial microorganisms, organic acids, yeasts (SCOBY). This starter culture drives the fermentation
and oligosaccharides. process, enhancing the bioactive properties of Javanese turmeric.
As a result, the fermented kombucha offers greater immunity-
Applications of Fermentation Technologies in boosting benefits compared to its non-fermented counterpart
Functional Foods (Figure 2).
Functional foods are those that contain bioactive compounds, Fermentation technologies herald vast and limitless
providing not only basic nutritional value but also additional opportunities for innovating functional foods in terms of nutritional
health benefits. Fermented foods, inherently rich in probiotics value, flavor, and health benefits. These advanced techniques
and other bioactives, serve as a cornerstone in functional not only pave the way for integrating health-promoting properties
food development. Fermentation technologies contribute to into foods but also present new challenges in developing novel
functional food production in several ways: food products.
1. Enhancing Nutritional Value and Digestibility
Fermentation improves nutrient availability and
digestibility. For example, it increases essential amino acid
content and enhances the digestibility of soybeans in Scan QR code for references.
products like soy sauce and tempeh. Similarly, fermented
dairy products such as yogurt and kefir can enhance calcium
absorption, as fermentation breaks down or hydrolyzes
carbohydrates and proteins into more bioavailable forms, More Information Service Info C006
which are easier for the body to absorb.
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