Page 22 - FoodFocusThailand No.144_March 2018
P. 22


        that such matter must first be endorsed by the Cabinet and public hearing must
        be undertaken the opinion from stakeholder. The detail of the notification is
        summarized as follow:
           1. Prescribed fees to be collected from applicants for food approval process
        in accordance with the following lists:
           List 1:  Application evaluation and document verification
           List 2:  Technical document evaluation and establishment inspection
           List 3: Other types of evaluation or verification not pertaining to List 1
        and List 2
           Remark: For more information concerning List 1-3, please visit

           2. Condition for fee exemptions are granted as follows:
           2.1 The Act on Community Enterprise Promotion and the Act on National
        Village and Urban Community Fund, total fee exemption is granted to Royal
        Development Projects and legally-registered enterprises possessing machine(s)
        of less than 5 horsepower and 7 workers in order to develop and promote
        community enterprises.
           2.2 Fee exemption is granted to those seeking to obtain a permission to
        manufacture or export food samples for approval application or pre-purchasing,
        or in cases of clarification letter submission for additional label request for food
        produced for export to be sold outside of Thailand.
           2.3 Partial fee exemption is granted to the cases that are stipulated in 2 (2)
        such as the evaluation and verification of product approval application with
        pre-former formulas and manufacturing processes pertaining to the same natural
        or legal person, or the submission of additional document(s) of the previous
        technical verification together with evidence of the original application.

           3. Given the FDA collects fees for all concepts that are stipulated in the lists.
        This applies to all applications submitted at the FDA Office, including those still
        pending for the FDA’s evaluation that were submitted at any Provincial Health
        Office since the 5  August B.E.2560 (2017).

                                                                            4. Given provincial Public Health Offices collect fees
                                                                         for all items that are stipulated in the lists, effective from
                                                                         4 December B.E.2560 (2017).

                                                                        กฎหมำยที่เกี่ยวข้อง/Relevant Regulation
                                                                        ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เรื่อง ค่าใช้จ่ายที่จะจัดเก็บจากผู้ยื่นค�าขอ
                                                                          ในกระบวนการพิจารณาอนุญาตผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร พ.ศ.2560 ลงวันที่
                                                                          26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ.2560  สืบค้นได้จาก http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.
                                                                        Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Re: Fee Collection from
                                                                          Applicants for Food Approval Process B.E.2560 (2017). dated 26
                                                                          July B.E.2560 (2017). Available from: http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.

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