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                                                                                                 STRATEGIC R & DDD
                                                                                                 STRATEGIC R &

            The Silent Global Killer

            The  prevalence  of  global  hypertension  due
            to the over-consumption of salt (sodium), is

            causing countless deaths and is leading to
            astronomical economic and health care costs
            in countries all over the world. The solution to
            improving global health and the associated cost

            is to reduce salt. However, reducing salt alone
            has major limitations.

               Salt is essential for food production by extending shelf life, food safety, enhancing   flavor  maskers  or  bitter  blockers.  The  patented
            texture, yield, flavor, protein extraction for binding and controlling fermentation rate   potassium salt  can provide a cost-effective solution
            in bakery to name a few.  GOOD NEWS—not all salts are made with sodium, the   for sodium reduction of up to 50% or more.
            ingredient causing the health issues.  Potassium salt is the healthy, extremely affordable
            alternative-salt answer to rebalancing salts while maintaining all the function of sodium
               Rebalancing salt to consume twice as much potassium as sodium can potentially   ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม/Additional Information
            cut the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease in half. As a result of studies showing   NuTek Food Science, LLC คือผู้เชี่ยวชำญทำงด้ำนกำรสร้ำงสรรค์
            how a balance between sodium and potassium improves heart heath, government’s     รสชำติอำหำรที่อร่อยและเป็นทำงเลือกที่ใครๆ ก็สำมำรถบริโภคได้
            reaction has spurred regulations all over the world.                เพื่อที่จะส่งเสริมกำรมีสุขภำพและควำมเป็นอยู่ที่ดีของผู้บริโภคใน
               Over 100 countries have established programs to reduce sodium consumption     ทั่วโลก โดยมี Brenntag Ingredients (Thailand) Public Company
            through product reformulation to limit sodium; labeling programs to highlight sodium     Limited เป็นผู้แทนเพียงรำยเดียวในประเทศไทยที่จัดจ�ำหน่ำย
            content; consumer awareness through education; mandatory intervention in public     ผลิตภัณฑ์ทดแทนเกลือโพแทสเซียมที่ได้รับกำรจดสิทธิบัตรภำยใต้
            institutions, schools and senior living facilities; and product taxation on an extensive     แบรนด์ NuTek
            range of pre-packaged foods with high sodium content.             NuTek Food Science, LLC, a company that helps create great
                                                                                tasting and affordable foods to enhance global health and
                                                                                wellness. NuTek Food Science has partnered with Brenntag
            Patented Potassium Salt Solution                                    Ingredients (Thailand) Public Company Limited for exclusive
            How to create great-tasting and affordable foods that enhance global health and     sale of NuTek’s patented potassium-based salt replacer in
            wellness? One of the answers is to balance salt to improve nutrition and health.     Thailand.
            Potassium salt is used in a wide range of applications including bakery, meat, poultry,   1   ผลิตภัณฑ์ Salt for Life  - เกลือโพแทสเซียมภำยใต้แบรนด์ NuTek
            cheese, dairy, beverages, soups and sauces.                         และเป็นเกลือโพแทสเซียมเพียงหนึ่งเดียวที่ผ่ำนกระบวนกำรผลิตซึ่ง
               By using patented potassium salt  instead of sodium salt, you’ll be getting more     ได้รับกำรจดสิทธิบัตร ซึ่งท�ำให้ควำมขมที่ถูกพบในเกลือโพแทสเซียม
            of what you need and less of what you don’t without sacrificing flavor, functionality or     ทั่วไปได้ถูกก�ำจัดออกอย่ำงเห็นผล นอกจำกนี้ ผลิตภัณฑ์ดังกล่ำว
            food safety. The patented potassium salt  has a solution to meet food manufacturers     สำมำรถน�ำไปผสมกับเกลือโซเดียม เพื่อลดปริมำณโซเดียมในอำหำร
            every step of the way by re-balancing the salt content up to 50% or more through our     ได้ตำมต้องกำร
            offerings of commodity KCl, Combined Crystal and Single Crystal solutions. The   1   Salt for Life - The Potassium salt under NuTek brand. Utilizing
                                                                                a unique patented process, the bitterness commonly associ-
            patented potassium salt  achieves taste parity while eliminating the bitter, metallic     ated with potassium chloride has been effectively removed.
            after-taste commonly associated with traditional potassium-based salt alternatives.     The product can be blended with salt (sodium chloride) to get
            Its unique attributes offer clean label opportunities by removing the need for expensive     the desired sodium reduction in foods.

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