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             SPECIAL REPORT

               UK, Spain, Germany and Thailand

               to Raise Roi-Et Rice Farmer’s Income

               with Climate-smart Rice Cultivation System

                The world leaders in rice sector, the  Thai Rice      enabled traceability for food safety and quality considerations, and
                Department and GIZ recently launched an innovative    stimulating domestic and international off-takers to procure
                                                                      sustainable rice. The partnership also aims to provide access to
                joint  project to improve the economic viability  of   finance mechanisms and improve the financial literacy of agriculture
                1,200 Thai rice farmers and develop high-quality and   cooperatives, with a focus on gender inclusion to unlock opportunities
                sustainable Hom Mali rice with a climate-smart system   for women.
                to mitigate climate change in Roi-Et province.           This project forms part of the commitment to sustainability in the
                                                                      sector, since Thailand plays a major role in the Group’s rice supply
                                                                      chain. It firmly believes that the best way to achieve sustainability in
                  The “Sustainable Hom Mali Rice” project will be implemented for
                2.5 years (2018-2020). The main implementing partners are the world   the sector is through alliances and having such strong partners with
                leaders in rice sector, the Thai Rice Department and GIZ. The project   millers and farmers all banding together. Currently a lot of discussions
                aims to support 1,200 Thai rice growers from each of the 12-community   are going on about the sustainability of the rice sectors with the focus
                rice centres in Roi-Et province in the production of 3,500 metric tons   on the livelihood of farmers, chemical usage, inclusiveness, food
                of Hom Mali rice.                                     security and the overall condition and wellbeing of farmers. These
                  This initiative is part of world rice sector’s journey to source rice   issues are not exclusive to smallholders but focusing on them can
                from farmers working towards the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP)   drive industry change.
                standard. In 2016, the rice sector reached an important milestone and   Hom Mali rice has been declared the world’s best rice and Thailand
                now all basmati rice is sourced from farmers working towards the SRP   is one of the world’s leading rice exporters, yet rice farmers are among
                standard – representing 10 percent of our overall rice volume. From   the lowest earners in the country’s agriculture sector. Many Thai rice
                now on, the rice sector will be working with the other global rice sector,   farmers face rising production costs and fluctuating prices. Under
                the Thai Rice Department and GIZ to further the standards outlined   this project, we will join forces in developing a sustainable quality of
                by the SRP on Hom Mali rice. It guarantees to achieve a more   rice.  The Rice Department is responsible for planning and
                sustainable Hom Mali rice crop in Thailand that benefits all stakeholders   implementation of the national rice policy and strategy through
                – farmers, rice producers, and the environment.       research and development of rice seed, farming practices, post-
                  In collaboration with the Thai Rice Department, the world leaders   harvest and processing, and rice standards. By so doing, we ensure
                in rice sector and Hom Mali rice farmers in Thailand, the project will   that our implementation can help farmers produce good quality rice
                implement numerous interventions such as educating farmers on SRP   and reduce the cost of production while increasing rice yield as well
                standards and agronomic technologies, giving access to high-quality   as quality rice that meets global requirements. It is expected that the
                seeds, enhancing the skills of farmer groups, improving gender equity,   project  will help the farmers  to earn additional  income in  each
                adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-  community.

             46 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  NOV  2018

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